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California State Government June 6, 2006 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Steve Westly

Candidate for
Governor; Democratic Party

This information is provided by the candidate

I'm running for Governor because believe we need to end the gridlock that prevents us from getting serious about California's long-term challenges. Gridlock only benefits those who don't believe in the importance of education, healthcare, and environmental protection. I'm a problem solver with a history of getting results. My campaign is about new ideas and common-sense solutions. I think we can reform government, protect our environment, extend health care to all, and reinvent public education if we have a governor with a proven track record of success.

I attended public schools growing up, then received my B.A. from Stanford. Shortly afterward, I went to work in solar energy and conservation for President Jimmy Carter. I later received my MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where I taught public management for five years. I helped found eBay, then left to serve as State Controller, where I've been a tough fiscal watchdog. I went after tax cheats to bring in over $3.5 billion in new revenues without raising a nickel in taxes--money now going to schools, roads, and hospitals.

Public education is my number-one priority. When I went to public schools in the 1950s, we had some of the best in the country; today, we trail most of the nation. I'm running for Governor to reinvent public education by attracting and retaining world class teachers; increasing local control; and updating our high schools for the 21st century with a mixture of college preparation tracks and renewed career and technical education. I also care passionately about the environment, and recently announced two ambitious goals for California: reducing our dependence on foreign oil by 40% by 2025, and fully complying with the Kyoto Treaty. On health care, we need to expand coverage through a system of increased state coverage and employer mandates. Finally, we must strengthen the economy and increase jobs.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 15, 2006 18:44
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