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Full Biography for Kent P. Mesplay
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Background Born and raised in Papua New Guinea (first ten years; born July 19, 1962) to Lutheran Missionary parents. Home-schooled the first three years. Grew up in a rain-forest with the same stone-age people studied by Jared Diamond (then an ornithologist). Jared is a family friend. I later entered the sciences because of Jared and other scientists like him who would visit our remote station. I have studied Western and non-Western medicine, earning a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University (specialty: limb prosthetics and amputee functionality). I have also informally studied Feldenkrais and Reiki and other energy methods of healing. My undergrad degree in Engineering is from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA. After graduate school I suffered through a long period of unemployment as I worked to develop a funded position for myself at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Long Beach, CA, before focusing on San Diego, marriage and teaching math in the Grossmont Union High School District. I began working as an Air Quality Inspector at the Air Pollution Control District, San Diego, in 2001. My experiences substitute teaching and being an environmental regulator really taught me to "think on my feet" in challenging situations. I am committed to affecting change to and through the political process. Political Experience California delegate to the Green National Committee (G.N.C.), December 2004 to present One of 13. I am often the note-taker during our monthly teleconferences We submit and vote on measures related to party function and advocacy Green Party U.S. presidential candidate, 2004 primaries Participated in 12 presidential debates and panel discussions, including at the Institute of Politics, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, January 2004 Collected signatures, helping to get David Cobb, myself and the Green Party on the ballot in Rhode Island in 2004 Highlight was the presidential nominating convention in Milwaukee WI. Before the final round of nominating I was one of three remaining presidential candidates. In the second round I "won" all the delegates from Massachusetts. David Cobb received the nomination. Ralph Nader focused on working outside the Green Party. Elected Treasurer of the Green Party County Council, San Diego, 1996-1997 Co-chair of the Communications Committee, Green Party County Council, San Diego, 1996-1997 Registered Green since 1995. Participated in numerous state plenaries as a delegate, including nominating Ralph Nader in 1996 Currently member of Environment California and strong advocate of the California Solar Roofs Bill, SB 1. Non-political Advocacy Former president of Turtle Island Institute (T.I.I.), the non-profit 501 (c)(3) based in San Diego, 1996-2002 Our co-founders, Manny Aguilar and Marguerite Hampton presented "Hands Across the Border: Operation Life-Save" to the president of Mexico. The trans-national plan of developing sustainably and cutting the draw of immigration was received favorably but not funded. A long-standing goal of T.I.I. is to develop Community Learning and Information Centers (CLICS) through which information related to survival and to sustainable living can be disseminated and shared by a global audience. Volunteered with Habitat for Humanity while in Chicago and helped build homes. Interested in Native American issues and representation (Blackfoot ancestry) |
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