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Placer County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Placer County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 17 10:02pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (408/408)
66.12% Countywide Voter Turnout (184,507/279,016)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure B. Transient Occupancy Tax Increase -- City of Colfax (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 473 / 69.87% Yes votes ...... 204 / 30.13% No votes
To support essential City services, including police, fire, road and pothole repair, and parks and recreation, shall the measure increasing the Transient Occupancy Tax (paid only by hotel/motel/short-term rental guests) rate from 8% to 10% and expanding the obligation to collect Transient Occupancy Tax to all persons receiving compensation from such rentals, generating an estimated $29,000 annually until ended by the voters, be adopted?

Measure C. Transient Occupancy Tax Measure -- City of Roseville (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 41,546 / 72.33% Yes votes ...... 15,891 / 27.67% No votes
To continue local funding that cannot be taken by the State for City of Roseville essential services such as: 911 emergency response; repairing potholes and streets; neighborhood police patrols; fire protection; addressing blight; and maintaining existing city amenities; shall the measure increasing Roseville's existing transient occupancy tax (paid only by hotel and lodging guests) from 6% set in 1975 to 10% providing an estimated additional $3 million annually, with independent audits, until ended by voters, be adopted?

Measure E. School Bond Measure -- Auburn Union School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 6,962 / 44.88% Yes votes ...... 8,549 / 55.12% No votes
To retain/attract quality teachers, provide students with a well-rounded education in science, technology and engineering/math by upgrading deteriorating classrooms/schools, removing asbestos/lead paint, repairing roofs and gas lines/electrical wiring and maintaining safe school drinking water, shall the Auburn Union School District issue $45,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, annually levying approximately $28 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating approximately $2,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring audits/public spending disclosure?

Measure F. Transient Occupancy Tax -- City of Rocklin (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 16,713 / 58.60% Yes votes ...... 11,808 / 41.40% No votes
To maintain local funding for essential services including: Police and Fire/Emergency Medical Service response, street/road repair, and park maintenance in the City of Rocklin, shall a measure expanding the definition of hotel to include campgrounds, and increasing the existing Transient Occupancy Tax (paid by hotel/lodging guests) from 8% to 10%, providing an estimated $300,000 annually, with independent audits, until ended by voters, be adopted?

Measure G. Bond Measure -- Western Placer Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 11,487 / 43.19% Yes votes ...... 15,109 / 56.81% No votes
To renovate/modernize Carlin Coppin and Creekside Oaks Elementary Schools, Lincoln and Phoenix High Schools; complete Twelve Bridges High School; remove/replace asbestos, lead pipes, roofs, electrical systems; supporting achievement in math, science, engineering, reading, arts and technology; improve safety/security/disable access; prevent overcrowding; shall Western Placer Unified School District issue $185,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, annually levying approximately $54 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating approximately $9,400,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring audits/citizens oversight?

Measure J. Health/Safety/Repair Bond Measure -- Twin Rivers Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 23,343 / 62.0% Yes votes ...... 14,330 / 38.0% No votes
   23,284 (62.11%) Yes / 14,205 (37.89%) No in Sacramento County
   59 (32.07%) Yes / 125 (67.93%) No in Placer County
Shall the measure of Twin Rivers Unified School District be adopted to repair heating/air conditioning/electrical systems; provide safe drinking water/playgrounds; remove asbestos/mold/lead paint; repair leaky roofs; improve security systems; construct classrooms; by authorizing $120 million in bonds at legal interest rates, levies of 2.3¢ per $100 assessed value, raising approximately $8 million annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight, annual audits, all funds benefitting local schools?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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