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Fresno County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Fresno County, CA Measures
County Results as of Sep 17 10:01pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (562/562)
44.3% Countywide Voter Turnout (221,419/500,076)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure B. Transient Occupancy Tax Measure -- City of Clovis (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
Shall the measure to maintain and improve public safety services including emergency response times, police protection, neighborhood services, anti-gang and antidrug programs, and provide other City services be adopted to increase the Transient Occupancy Tax (hotel bed tax paid by hotel guests) from 10% to 12% with the 2% increase providing approximately $500,000 annually until ended by voters, subject to publicly available annual audits, with all funds benefitting Clovis residents?

Measure C. Sales Tax Extension -- County of Fresno (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
Without raising tax rates, shall an ordinance to repair potholes, keep local roads in good condition; upgrade structurally declining bridges/overpasses; improve highway safety, 911 emergency vehicle access, air quality, public transit services; protect low-cost senior transportation options and create local jobs; be adopted, continuing the voter-approved transportation 1/2¢ sales tax (established 1986), providing approximately $228,000,000 annually for 30 years; requiring audits, pubic spending disclosure and local control?

Measure D. General Obligation Bond -- Orange Center Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
To improve the quality of educational facilities; repair/replace leaky roofs; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Orange Center School District's measure be adopted to issue $6,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $353,000 annually for issued bonds through maturity from levels of approximately $0.03 per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money for local schools?

Measure E. Sales Tax -- County of Fresno (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
Shall the measure to expand access and opportunities in nursing, agriculture, criminology, engineering/STEM programs; repair/upgrade academic and other campus facilities; provide safe drinking water; provide scholarships for local, low-income students and veterans by establishing a 0.2% sales tax countywide, except for the City of Reedley where the rate would be 0.025%, providing approximately $36,000,000 annually for 20 years with independent oversight, audits, public disclosure, be adopted?

Measure G. Transient Occupancy Tax Measure -- City of Kerman (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
Shall the measure establishing a ten percent (10%) tax and paid by short-term hotel/motel/inn guests only (not by City residents) for maintaining essential City services such as keeping neighborhoods, parks, streets, public areas safe/clean; addressing homelessness, public safety, and other general city services, and generating approximately $40,000.00 annually until ended by voters, with public disclosure and all funds for Kerman only be adopted?

Measure H. General Transactions and Use Tax -- City of Mendota (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
To provide additional funding for essential City of Mendota services, including, but not limited to, improving parks and roads, shall the measure establishing the Mendota General Transactions and Use Tax of 1.25% providing approximately $493,498 annually until repealed, subject to publicly available annual audits with all funds benefitting Mendota residents, be adopted?

Measure J. General Obligation Bonds -- West Hill School Facilities Improvement District 3 (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
To construct new classrooms and labs at West Hills College Lemoore for career training in computer sciences, health sciences, nursing and paramedics, and qualify for State matching funds, shall West Hills Community College District's measure authorizing $8.6 million in bonds be adopted with estimated levies of less than 1¢ per $100 of assessed value (raising $727,000 annually through 2039), legal interest rates, annual audits, citizens' oversight, and no funds used for administrators' salaries?

Measure K. General Obligation Bonds -- West Hill School Facilities Improvement District 1 (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
To improve the Firebaugh Center including updating classroom technology, improving energy efficiency and water conservation, and upgrading campus security shall West Hills Community College District's measure authorizing $25.1 million in short-term bonds be adopted with estimated levies of less than 3¢ per $100 of assessed value (approximately $1,694,000 annually through 2039), legal interest rates, annual audits, citizens' oversight, no funds for administrator salaries, with all funds spent on local projects and not taken by the State and spent elsewhere?

Measure L. General Obligation Bond -- Selma Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
To upgrade school safety, security, fire systems, science, engineering, math, vocational classrooms; provide safe drinking water; fix deteriorating gas lines, electrical, roofs, plumbing; remove asbestos/mold; acquire construct, repair sites, facilities, equipment, shall Selma Unified School District's measure authorizing $36,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $60/$100,000 of assessed valuation, raising $2,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring audits/oversight, spending disclosure, all funds for local schools?

Measure M. Veterans Support Transactions and Use Tax -- City of Fresno (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
Shall the measure establishing a 1/8 percent sales tax providing approximately $19.5 million annually for 20 years to improve facilities and services for Fresno veterans, including affordable housing, job training/placement, and mental/physical healthcare; reduce veteran homelessness; rehabilitate deteriorating Fresno Veterans Memorial Auditorium, VFW/American Legion halls (by removing asbestos and providing disabled accessibility), requiring local use of funds, public spending disclosure, citizen oversight and audits, be adopted?

Measure V. Parcel Tax -- Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District (2/3 Approval Required)
Fail: 0 / 0.0% Yes votes ...... 0 / 0.0% No votes
   0 (0.0%) Yes / 0 (0.0%) No in Fresno County
   Yes / No in Tulare County
To fund the operational needs of the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District facilities open to the community and develop a recreation department within the Cutler-Orosi area to promote youth activities including sports, arts, music, and other experiences that develop young people into healthy active, responsible citizens, shall the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District levy a tax of $48.00 per parcel annually with an annual cost of living adjustment, initially raising $234,048 yearly, so long as the Cutler-Orosi School Board oversees the program and uses all proceeds to directly support the Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified sports facilities needs and the recreation department?

Measure X. General Obligation Bond -- Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 7 / 63.6% Yes votes ...... 4 / 36.4% No votes
   0 (0.0%) Yes / 0 (0.0%) No in Fresno County
   7 (63.64%) Yes / 4 (36.36%) No in Monterey County
To improve the quality of education; construct, modernize, and upgrade classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; renovate plumbing; improve drinking water; make safety/security improvements; and replace roofs; shall Coalinga Huron joint Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $39,200,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $2,700,000 annually at a projected average rate of 4.6 cents per $100 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries, and all funds staying local?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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