- Measure B
Property Tax
-- Lynn Park Acres Community Service District
(2/3 Approval Required)
- To maintain Lynn Park Acres Community Service District roads shall a new special tax, replacing the existing one of $100 per improved lot and $75 per unimproved lot, be adopted without expiration, at $200 per improved lot and $150 per unimproved lot? This increase would generate $15,050 annually and would be collected semi-annually via property tax payments.
- Measure C
Property Tax
-- West Point Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
- To maintain a rapid local emergency medical and fire response solely within the West Point Fire Protection District, and continue current staffing of firefighters and equipment ready for emergencies, shall a special property tax of an additional $180.00 per year per parcel, raising approximately $350,000.00 annually, be adopted by the District, with a discretionary annual adjustment equal to the California Per-Capita Personal Income, but no greater than 3%, with all funds staying in our community?