Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
Transactions and Use Tax for Specific Public Safety Purposes
-- County of Shasta
(2/3 Approval Required)
27669 /
48.5% Yes votes ......
29375 /
51.4% No votes
- To provide approximately $31,000,000 annually for specific public safety purposes of (1) providing funding for County jail facilities, operations, programs, and services, including medication assisted treatment and rehabilitation programs while in custody and also after release, and alternatives to County jail incarceration, (2) providing funding for law enforcement and emergency services (including fire protection) in the unincorporated area of Shasta County and in the Cities of Redding, Anderson, and Shasta Lake, (3) providing funding for criminal prosecutions by the District Attorney, for criminal defense by the Public Defender, and for the duties of Probation as they relate to adult offenders, the measure allows the County of Shasta to enact a one percent (1%) transactions and use tax throughout the entire county. The measure creates an Oversight Committee and an annual audit requirement detailing how the funds have been spent. The tax will be in effect until reduced or repealed by the Board of Supervisors by a 4/5 vote.
- Measure B.
Parcel Tax
-- Burney Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
602 /
54.7% Yes votes ......
498 /
45.2% No votes
- Shall the measure adding a special tax to replace, maintain and operate the Burney Fire Protection District facilities, vehicles, and equipment, to continue rapid response to Emergency Medical and fire calls be imposed and remain in effect without increase until ended by voters at a rate of $29.00 per unimproved property, $46.00 per one and two family residential property, $104.00 per commercial property, and $304.00 per industrial property, raising approximately $103,372.00 annually, be adopted?
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