Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
School Bond
-- Eureka Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
4,696 /
43.63% Yes votes ......
6,068 /
56.37% No votes
- To repair/upgrade old infrastructure/classrooms/other facilities (including leaky roofs, deteriorating restrooms/electrical systems); improve student/school safety and disability access; update classroom technology; and replace outdated science/computer labs; shall Eureka Union School District's measure authorizing $49,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $28.71 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, raising approximately $2,950,000 annually for local schools while bonds are outstanding, and requiring citizen oversight/audits, be adopted?
- Measure B.
School Bond
-- Colfax Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
875 /
45.41% Yes votes ......
1,052 /
54.59% No votes
- To improve Colfax Elementary School; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; improve student access to computers and modern technology; and make health and safety improvements; shall Colfax Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $4,700,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, generating approximately $304,000 annually while bonds are outstanding with levies of approximately 2.7 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money for local projects?
- Measure C.
School Bond
-- Yuba Community College District
(55% Approval Required)
8,616 /
44.2% Yes votes ......
10,868 /
55.8% No votes
(19.8%) Yes / 121 (80.1%) No in Butte County
(15.91%) Yes / 37 (84.09%) No in Placer County
(44.48%) Yes / 10,710 (55.52%) No in Yolo County
- To repair, modernize and construct classrooms/buildings for career/technical education at Yuba and Woodland Colleges and Colusa, Lake and Sutter County campuses including nursing/ healthcare, fire/police and agricultural technology, shall the Yuba Community College District measure authorizing $228.4 million of bonds be approved with legal rates, annual levies less than 2.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation while bonds are outstanding (generating $13.3 million per year), annual audits, independent oversight and access to State matching funds?
- Measure D.
School Bond
-- Western Placer Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
7,230 /
33.76% Yes votes ......
14,189 /
66.24% No votes
- Shall the measure to support and enhance student health and curriculum by constructing an aquatics center and athletic fields for community/school use, shall Western Placer Unified School District issue $29,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an average 1.1¢ per $100 assessed value, generating $1,600,000 Districtwide annually, while bonds are outstanding, with strict accountability including: annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying in the Lincoln community be adopted?
- Measure E.
School Bond
-- Los Rios Community College District
(55% Approval Required)
220,960 /
54.6% Yes votes ......
183,423 /
45.4% No votes
(53.21%) Yes / 170,444 (46.79%) No in Sacramento County
(20.78%) Yes / 122 (79.22%) No in Placer County
(66.7%) Yes / 6 (33.3%) No in Solano County
(67.80%) Yes / 12,851 (32.20%) No in Yolo County
- Without increasing future tax rates, shall the measure to repair classrooms, facilities and labs at American River, Cosumnes River, El Dorado, Folsom Lake and Sacramento City campuses for job training, nursing/ healthcare, engineering/ science and fire/ police programs, by Los Rios Community College District to authorize $650 million of bonds be adopted with legal rates, raising an average $52 million per year until repaid, an average tax levy less than $0.02 per $100 assessed valuation, annual audits and taxpayer oversight?
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