Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
School Bond
-- El Dorado Union High School District
(55% Approval Required)
22,621 /
38.63% Yes votes ......
35,930 /
61.37% No votes
- To improve student safety and campus security systems; repair aging roofs/plumbing/electrical systems; and upgrade/acquire/construct classrooms, science labs and career training facilities that support college/career readiness in math, science, technology, arts and skilled trades, shall the El Dorado Union High School District measure authorizing $120,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately $16 per $100,000 assessed valuation ($8,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, annual independent audits and all money spent locally?
- Measure B.
Parcel Tax Measure
-- Lake Valley Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
2,175 /
61.51% Yes votes ......
1,361 /
38.49% No votes
- Shall a special tax measure be levied annually until ended by voters, for the purpose of funding the purchasing, maintaining, replacing or leasing of fire engines, vehicles, equipment and supplies, at an annual special tax rate of $52 per parcel per year with an estimated total annual revenue of $432,900, in order to continue providing adequate fire protection, suppression, emergency medical services, and requiring independent citizen oversight, be adopted?
- Measure C.
Parcel Tax
-- Kelsey Cemetery District
(2/3 Approval Required)
349 /
48.27% Yes votes ......
374 /
51.73% No votes
- Shall the Kelsey Cemetery District levy a special tax for the purpose of providing needed Kelsey Pioneer Cemetery building, road, grounds and record keeping improvements, and increased maintenance at an annual rate not to exceed $8.00 per District parcel per year with total annual revenue raised to be $7,640, and remaining in effect for 10 years be adopted?
- Measure E.
School Bond
-- Los Rios Community College District
(55% Approval Required)
220,960 /
54.6% Yes votes ......
183,423 /
45.4% No votes
(53.21%) Yes / 170,444 (46.79%) No in Sacramento County
(20.78%) Yes / 122 (79.22%) No in Placer County
(66.7%) Yes / 6 (33.3%) No in Solano County
(67.80%) Yes / 12,851 (32.20%) No in Yolo County
- Without increasing future tax rates, shall the measure to repair classrooms, facilities and labs at American River, Cosumnes River, El Dorado, Folsom Lake and Sacramento City campuses for job training, nursing/ healthcare, engineering/ science and fire/ police programs, by Los Rios Community College District to authorize $650 million of bonds be adopted with legal rates, raising an average $52 million per year until repaid, an average tax levy less than $0.02 per $100 assessed valuation, annual audits and taxpayer oversight?
- Measure G.
School Bond
-- Rescue Union Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
5,702 /
39.77% Yes votes ......
8,636 /
60.23% No votes
- To improve Rescue Union Schools; repair or replace leaky roofs; construct and modernize facilities; update inadequate electrical systems; and make health and safety improvements; shall Rescue Union School District's measure be adopted authorizing $75,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating approximately $3.9 million annually for issued bonds through maturity at a rate of approximately three cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money for local schools?
- Measure H.
School Bond
-- Black Oak Mine Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
2,456 /
42.83% Yes votes ......
3,278 /
57.17% No votes
- To improve the quality of education facilities; upgrade classrooms, restrooms and schools; repair/replace roofs; and renovate electrical/plumbing/sewer systems; shall Black Oak Mine Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing the issuance of $29,868,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $1,653,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 4.9 cents per $100 assessed value, with audits, independent citizen' oversight committee, no money for salaries, and all money on local projects?
- Measure J.
Parcel Tax
-- County Service Area 9 Zone 98122 Gilmore Vista
(2/3 Approval Required)
34 /
72.34% Yes votes ......
13 /
27.66% No votes
- Shall the measure providing for an annual special tax of $270.00 on each improved parcel of land and $120.00 on each unimproved parcel of land for an unlimited duration be levied within the Gilmore Vista Road Zone of Benefit, to replace the existing benefit assessments of $170.00 and $70.00, respectively, to be used only for snow removal, road improvements, and maintenance services and generating annual revenue of $11,550.00, commencing fiscal year 2020/2021, be adopted?
- Measure K.
Parcel Tax
-- County Service Area 9 Zone 14 Fernwood Cothrin Ranch Road Fernwood Cothrin Ranch
(2/3 Approval Required)
207 /
59.31% Yes votes ......
142 /
40.69% No votes
- Shall the measure providing for an annual special tax of $450.00 on each parcel of land for an unlimited duration be levied within the Fernwood Cothrin Ranch Road Zone of Benefit, to replace the existing special tax of $150.00, to be used only for road improvements and maintenance services and generating annual revenue of $118,800.00, commencing fiscal year 2020/2021, be adopted?
- Measure L.
Parcel Tax
-- County Service Area 9 Zone 30 Lynx Trail
(2/3 Approval Required)
31 /
46.97% Yes votes ......
35 /
53.03% No votes
- Shall the measure providing for an annual special tax of $500.00 on each parcel of real property for an unlimited duration be levied within the Lynx Trail Road Zone of Benefit, which would be an increase to the current special tax of $300.00 per year, to be used only for road improvements, and maintenance services and generating annual revenue of $37,500.00, commencing fiscal year 2020/2021, be adopted?
- Measure M.
Parcel Tax
-- County Service Area 3 Snow Removal City of South Lake Tahoe
(2/3 Approval Required)
1,727 /
49.13% Yes votes ......
1,788 /
50.87% No votes
- Shall the measure providing for an annual special tax of $80.00 for twenty years' duration on improved parcels of land within the South Shore Snow removal Zone of benefit, and replacing the current benefit assessment of $20.00 per parcel, to be used exclusively for acquisition of snow removal equipment to improve public safety, not salaries and benefits, and subject to annual oversight, which will generate annual revenue of $536,720.00 commencing fiscal year 2020/2021, be adopted?
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