- Measure B
Uniform Transient Occupancy Tax
-- City of Brisbane
(Majority Approval Required)
485 /
68.6% Yes votes ......
222 /
31.4% No votes
- To pay for the general municipal expenses, shall the City increase the uniform transient occupancy tax, payable by transients for the privilege of occupying a hotel room, to fourteen percent (14%) of the rent?
- Measure C
Liquid Storage Facilities Business License Tax
-- City of Brisbane
(Majority Approval Required)
587 /
82.7% Yes votes ......
123 /
17.3% No votes
- To pay for general municipal expenses, shall the City revise/increase the annual business license tax on a liquid storage facility of up to six cents per barrel delivered over the rack to such facility in the preceding calendar year?
- Measure E
Cannabis Business License Tax
-- City of Brisbane
(Majority Approval Required)
565 /
80.3% Yes votes ......
139 /
19.7% No votes
- To pay for general municipal expenses, shall the City establish a business license tax on cannabis businesses in the City in the amount of up to six percent (6%) of the gross receipts of such businesses?
- Measure G
Transactions and Use (Sales) Tax
-- City of San Bruno
(Majority Approval Required)
3,512 /
61.4% Yes votes ......
2,205 /
38.6% No votes
- San Bruno Street Repair/Local City Services Measure: Shall the City of San Bruno's measure to fund city services/facilities such as neighborhood police patrols; fire prevention services; urban wildfire protection; crime suppression/investigation; pothole/street repair; increasing parking supply; upgrading parks/other city services/facilities; expanding services supporting local businesses; by levying a 1/2¢ sales tax, providing approximately $4,000,000 annually, until ended by voters, with independent citizens' oversight, no money for Sacramento, all funds spent locally, be adopted?
- Measure H
Parcel Tax Measure
-- Redwood City School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
8,868 /
65.6% Yes votes ......
4,648 /
34.4% No votes
- To maintain quality education in Redwood City with local funding that cannot be taken by the State, to attract and retain highly qualified teachers; support quality reading and writing programs; maintain science, technology, engineering and math instruction; and reduce class sizes in kindergarten and first grade, shall a Redwood City School District parcel tax measure of $149 per parcel for 12 years be adopted, raising $3,450,000 annually with citizen oversight, exemption for seniors, and all funds staying local?
- Measure I
Parcel Tax Measure
-- Cabrillo Unified School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
4,276 /
74.0% Yes votes ......
1,499 /
26.0% No votes
- To maintain quality education in Coastside schools without increasing taxes; preserve strong academic programs in reading, writing, science, technology, engineering, arts, math; retain qualified teachers/staff; prepare students for college and careers; and maintain school safety and security; shall a measure to renew its expiring $150 education parcel tax for eight years be adopted, raising approximately $1,600,000 annually with independent citizen oversight, exemptions for seniors and others, and all funds staying in Coastside schools?