Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure J.
$190 Million in Bonds for Repairs, Safety, and Job Training
-- Butte-Glenn Community College
(55% Approval Required)
60,693 /
67.0% Yes votes ......
29,887 /
33.0% No votes
(67.00%) Yes / 29887 (33.00%) No in Butte County
Yes / No in Glenn County
- To upgrade classrooms to improve safety and prepare students/ veterans for university transfer/careers, such as nursing, welding, emergency response by upgrading aging classrooms/ technology, removing asbestos/ unsafe
gas lines, improving water conservation, electrical wiring, security, constructing science, welding,
public safety, Veterans facilities, and repairing, acquiring, constructing property, facilities/ equipment, shall Butte-Glenn Community College District issue $190,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, requiring
independent audits, citizen oversight, all funds spent locally?
- Measure K.
$152 Million in Bonds For School Facilities Projects
-- Chico Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
32700 /
71.01% Yes votes ......
13353 /
28.99% No votes
- To improve the quality of local public education by preventing
overcrowding at elementary schools and providing safe schools through repairing or replacing leaky roofs and outdated electrical and plumbing systems, upgrading, modernizing and constructing classrooms and science labs, improving student access to technology and improving access for students with disabilities shall Chico Unified School District issue $152,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, including independent citizens' oversight, audits, all funds staying local and NO money for administrative salaries?
- Measure L.
Medical Cannabis and Commerce
-- Butte County
(Majority Approval Required)
40320 /
44.60% Yes votes ......
50079 /
55.40% No votes
- Shall the ordinance entitled "Medical Cannabis Cultivation and Commerce" be adopted?
- Measure N.
Organizational Meeting Time Change
-- City of Chico
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
21821 /
71.07% Yes votes ......
8884 /
28.93% No votes
- Shall Section 602 of the Chico City Charter be amended
to change the time of the City Council Meeting held on
the first Tuesday in December of each even-numbered
year from 7:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.?
- Measure O.
Public Works Bid Proposal Alternative Method
-- City of Chico
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
25331 /
80.91% Yes votes ......
5978 /
19.09% No votes
- Shall Section 1110 of the Chico City Charter be amended
to allow for notice of intention to receive proposals for
public works contracts to be provided on the city's
website or other approved methods?
- Measure P.
Legal Notice and Official Advertisement Contract
-- City of Chico
(Charter Amendment - Majority Approval Required)
20297 /
65.79% Yes votes ......
10552 /
34.21% No votes
- Shall Section 1114 of the Chico City Charter be amended
to permit the council to contract with a newspaper for
publication of legal notices and official advertisements
without advertising for the contract when there is only one
newspaper of general circulation in the City?
- Measure Q.
$33,565,000 in Bonds for Continued Facility Repair and Construction
-- Yuba Community College District
(School Bond Measure - 55% Approval Required)
103 /
41.7% Yes votes ......
144 /
58.3% No votes
(42.36%) Yes / 117 (57.64%) No in Butte County
Yes / No in Yuba County
(38.64%) Yes / 27 (61.36%) No in Placer County
- To continue repairing, renovating, Constructing and equipping classrooms/facilities at the campuses of Yuba and Woodland Colleges including nursing, healthcare, science, technology, engineering, fire and police training classrooms, shall $33,565,000 of Yuba Community College District Bonds, previously approved by voters in November 2006, be reauthorized through issuance of new bonds with no increase in total authorized District debt, interest rates below the legal limit, independent citizen oversight, and all funds used locally and not taken by the State?
- Measure R.
Public Safety Solutions for Oroville Sales Tax
-- City of Oroville
(Majority Approval Required)
2250 /
43.40% Yes votes ......
2934 /
56.60% No votes
- Shall Ordinance No. 1816, a Temporary sales tax increase of one percent (1%) generating approximately $3.6 million annually, that automatically expires in six years. and that establishes a citizen oversight committee to ensure that the funds are used to preserve public services such as police protection, fire suppression, vehicle repair and maintenance, finance analyst and human resources services for the City of Oroville, be adopted?
- Measure M1.
Orchard Hospital Parcel Tax Measure
-- Butte County Service Area 37 - Orchard Hospital Joint Powers Authority
(Special Property Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
1177 /
50.45% Yes votes ......
1156 /
49.55% No votes
- Shall an existing special property tax to fund standby costs of providing emergency room services at Orchard Hospital, in the amount of $70 per residential equivalent unit per year for an additional ten years (vacant parcels and parcels without residential units shall not be subject to the tax) to raise approximately $330,000.00 per year, as enacted by Butte County Ordinance No. 4116, and a corresponding increase in the County's spending limit, be approved?
- Measure M2.
Special Property Tax for Orchard Hospital Emergency Room Services
-- City of Biggs
(2/3 Approval Required)
235 /
40.73% Yes votes ......
342 /
59.27% No votes
- Shall an existing special property tax to fund standby costs of providing emergency room services at the Orchard Hospital, in the amount of $70 per residential equivalent unit per year for an additional ten years (vacant parcels and parcels without residential units shall not be subject to the tax) to raise approximately $330,000.00 per year, as enacted by Biggs Resolution 2016-14, and a corresponding increase in the City's spending limit, be approved?
- Measure M3.
Orchard Hospital Parcel Tax Measure
-- City of Gridley
(2/3 Approval Required)
1068 /
52.15% Yes votes ......
980 /
47.85% No votes
- Shall an existing special property tax to fund standby costs of providing emergency room services at the Orchard Hospital, in the amount of $70 per residential equivalent unit per year for an additional ten years (vacant parcels and parcels without residential units shall not be subject to the tax) to raise approximately $330,000.00 per year, as enacted by Gridley Resolution 2016-R-020, and a corresponding increase in the City's spending limit, be approved?
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