Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure A.
Charter Amendment
-- County of Santa Clara
(Majority Approval Required)
310794 /
78.08% Yes votes ......
87240 /
21.92% No votes
- To continue protecting and preserving local parks; improving access to natural areas, open space,
trails and recreational opportunities; keeping restrooms and facilities clean and safe; and maintaining,
operating, acquiring and improving local parks, shall the Santa Clara County Park Charter Fund,
established in 1972, be extended by an annual general fund transfer estimated to equal 1.5 cents per
$100 of assessed valuation of all property for 15 years, without increasing taxes and all funds
benefitting Santa Clara County parks?
- Measure B.
Sales Tax
-- City of San Jose
(Majority Approval Required)
121030 /
61.41% Yes votes ......
76054 /
38.59% No votes
- To fund essential City services such as: improving police response to reduce violent crimes and
burglaries; improving 911/emergency medical/fire response times; repairing potholes and streets;
expanding gang prevention; and maintaining the City's long-term financial stability, shall the City of
San Jose enact a ¼ percent sales tax for 15 years, providing about $40 million annually, requiring
Independent Citizens Oversight with public review of spending, and all revenues controlled locally?
- Measure C.
Medical Marijuana
-- City of San Jose
(Majority Approval Required)
68438 /
35.44% Yes votes ......
124687 /
64.56% No votes
- Shall an ordinance be adopted amending the San Jose Municipal Code to include Medical
Marijuana Collectives as an allowed land use in agricultural, commercial pedestrian, commercial
neighborhood, industrial park, light industrial, heavy industrial zoning districts, and certain planned
development zoning districts, and to establish a registration process and zoning code verification
certificate process?
- Measure E.
-- Gilroy Unified School District
(55% Approval Required)
7748 /
60.86% Yes votes ......
4982 /
39.14% No votes
- To improve the quality of local school facilities; renovate or replace leaky roofs; improve student
access to computers and modern technology; renovate plumbing and sewer systems; make health,
safety and security improvements; upgrade science labs and classrooms throughout the District; and
construct a new elementary school, shall Gilroy Unified School District issue $170,000,000 of bonds,
at legal rates, with an independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money used for administrator
salaries and all funds controlled locally?
- Measure G.
Parcel Tax
-- Moreland School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
8182 /
73.69% Yes votes ......
2922 /
26.31% No votes
- To maintain quality education at our neighborhood elementary and middle schools by attracting
and retaining quality teachers, strengthening strong reading, math and science, maintaining music
and art programs, keeping school libraries open, class sizes small and campuses clean and safe,
shall Moreland School District renew its expiring school parcel tax at $142 per year for eight years,
with an exemption for seniors, a citizens' oversight committee, no money for administrator salaries,
and every dollar benefiting Moreland schools?
- Measure H.
-- Franklin-McKinley School District
(55% Approval Required)
10443 /
78.18% Yes votes ......
2914 /
21.82% No votes
- To upgrade/renovate classrooms/school facilities and improve the quality of education with funding that cannot be taken by the State, shall Franklin-McKinley
School District construct classrooms, improve student access to modern technology, replace leaky roofs, old portable classrooms, outdated electrical/plumbing
systems, improve safety/access for students with disabilities, acquire, construct, repair classrooms, sites, facilities/equipment by issuing $67,400,000
of bonds at legal rates, with independent citizens' oversight, annual audits, and no money for administrative salaries?
- Measure I.
-- Alum Rock Union Elementary School District
(55% Approval Required)
12461 /
78.75% Yes votes ......
3363 /
21.25% No votes
- To improve local neighborhood schools, fix leaky, deteriorated roofs, improve fire safety,
repair/upgrade classrooms, improve student safety and security, renovate outdated restrooms,
upgrade heating/ventilation/electrical systems for energy efficiency, and computer technology, shall
$139,999,671.60 of Alum Rock Union Elementary School District bonds approved by the voters in
June 2008, be reapproved at legal rates to renovate, acquire, construct, repair classrooms, sites,
facilities/equipment, with independent audits, citizens' oversight, no money for administrators' salaries
and all money controlled locally?
- Measure J.
Parcel Tax
-- Lakeside Joint School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
603 /
65.3% Yes votes ......
321 /
34.7% No votes
(65.56%) Yes / 104 (34.44%) No in Santa Clara County
(65.11%) Yes / 217 (34.89%) No in Santa Cruz County
- To preserve quality education for all students in Lakeside Joint School District, maintain
specialized training for teachers, provide comprehensive science programs, update classroom
technology, and protect quality academic programs for elementary and middle school students, shall
the Lakeside Joint School District be authorized to implement an annual education parcel tax of $820
for ten years, with citizens' oversight, exemptions available for senior citizens, no funds for
administrators' salaries, every dollar spent on students and cannot be taken away by the State?
- Measure AA.
San Francisco Bay Clean Water, Pollution Prevention and Habitat Restoration Program
-- San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
(Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required)
1,256,356 /
70.4% Yes votes ......
528,877 /
29.6% No votes
(75.20%) Yes / 91231 (24.80%) No in Alameda County
(65.70%) Yes / 88249 (34.30%) No in Contra Costa County
(72.82%) Yes / 22165 (27.18%) No in Marin County
(57.19%) Yes / 8,428 (42.81%) No in Napa County
(77.64%) Yes / 53,766 (22.36%) No in San Francisco County
(72.0%) Yes / 49,422 (28.0%) No in San Mateo County
(70.08%) Yes / 119254 (29.92%) No in Santa Clara County
(54.35%) Yes / 43,248 (45.65%) No in Solano County
(64.3%) Yes / 53,114 (35.7%) No in Sonoma County
- To protect San Francisco Bay for future generations by reducing trash, pollution and harmful toxins, improving water quality, restoring habitat for fish,
birds and wildlife, protecting communities from floods, and increasing shoreline public access, shall the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority authorize
a parcel tax of $12 per year, raising approximately $25 million annually for twenty years with independent citizen oversight, audits, and all funds staying
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