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San Bernardino, Los Angeles County, CA June 3, 2014 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Anthony Vieyra

Candidate for
United States Representative; District 35

This information is provided by the candidate

How can I improve the future of my community and people close to me, like Aliyah ? These are the issues I will work towards, a bright and happy future for everyone living in the 35th district.

The biggest issue facing congress at the moment is their lack of focus. With the millions of dollars each congressman receives from Lobbyists, PAC's (Political Action Committees), and other donations, it is hard for them to focus on issues. Instead they are in direct conflict over each other in supporting lobbyists and rushing to where the money is. The issues and goals that I feel are important are listed below.

#1 I am going to work to stabilize the economy, lower unemployment by increasing jobs and a return to fair taxes.

The economy, unemployment, taxes and how to manage the federal government's $14 trillion debt is the 1st issue that needs to be discussed and fixed. Who can you trust to help with the finance of Government? A candidate who has worked in business and finance for the last 20 years like Anthony Vieyra, or a career politician with no background in finance ?

The Inland Empire/Pomona Valley has one of the most vibrant economies of California. There is no reason we have one of the largest jobless rates, foreclosure rates, or food insecurity rates in the country. My opponent has been in Government for over 12 years adding to our problems while making the same promises as before, like a broken record.

Without my approach to reducing government waste and corruption, and increased efficiency, we will be in the same situation next election. Government spending needs to be an investment in the future of America. We need to bring back the "Made in America" label.

I believe that every dollar invested should accomplish these goals:

  • Creating jobs,
  • diversifying the economy, and
  • To protect America, her people and resources.

My Economic Plan helps to ensure a better quality of life for all Americans.

I will work to create jobs that are sustainable, increase the health and quality of life for future generations, and help create an economy that is resilient against sudden shocks.

The United States Economy also needs to continue to be stimulated through targeted tax relief. I believe that it is important to focus not only upon how many taxes are being paid, but also upon what kind of taxes are being paid and who is paying them.

We need to put an end to corporate welfare and big business bailouts.

We need to immediately end the previous tax breaks for the wealthy and use that money to invest in and improve education and health care. Instead of wasting billions of dollars on wars, we need to reinvest that money here in America, to create jobs and keep families from losing their homes, and to build more schools.

  • Bring back the respect our country's workers deserve. I will fight against attacks on worker's rights, the plundering of their pensions, and the weakening of the freedom to organize. American workers are the best and will continue to be the best.
  • Focus on the small and medium businesses that come from our communities. It is these small and medium businesses that provide the ideas and values that make America what it is.

#2 I am going to promote ending the wars we are in and offer full support to our Veterans.

I promise to see the safe return of American troops from Afghanistan. In the future the United States and its soldiers need to be protected against political or corporate ambitions to go to war. We should not rush into future conflicts without a strong debate about the risks, costs, and outcomes of our involvement, something the "career politicians" are ignorant about. I strongly believe in non-violence, which implies that war is neither an effective nor justifiable means for resolving disputes between nations. The United States is a leader in economic and military power around the globe. We should use that power to work towards security and peace through justice, rather than through intimidation and military actions.

  • I will work to bring our troops home safely.
  • I will work to promote peace.
  • Ensure full funding for Veterans hospitals, improved access, expediting delivery of care, and make sure they have a place to come home to.
  • Improved treatment access to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other mental and physical disabilities.
  • Reduce veteran homelessness.
  • Ensure educational and job opportunities for veterans and their families.
  • Make sure that no deserving active or reserve serviceman or woman is denied retirement and disability benefits.
  • Evaluate the morality of using drones in other countries, and more importantly against our own citizens.

#3 I am going to ensure we have Health Care for everyone.

The Federal Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) passed on March 2010, bringing changes to large segments of the American health system. As of March 31, 2014, enrollments have surpassed the 7 million mark. As long as the States and citizens continue to reach a mutual agreement, I will support the Affordable Care Act.

  • I will support the Federal Affordable Care Act.
  • We need a healthcare system that is accessible and affordable to everyone.
  • We need to continue to ensure that people can keep the doctors or plans that they trust.

#4 I am going to work to provide safe and affordable energy while also protecting our environment.

The United States has a wealth of resources that includes people, energy reserves, virgin land, and the ability to produce and use renewable energy. I will work to ensure that we take advantage of progressive energy policies while protecting our environment. It is very important to me to protect California while providing adequate energy for residents and businesses. While pursuing a course for sustainable energy, California can lead the nation in development of these efficient energy systems bringing millions of good paying jobs. Climate change is a reality and we must learn to respect our environment and the harm we can do.

  • I will support investments in clean renewable energy, such as solar, wind, geothermal and biomass energy.
  • I will work to End Big Oil tax subsidies which the "career politicians" are devoted to.
  • I will oppose new offshore drilling and fracking in California. I will oppose future development of Nuclear reactors.
  • I will protect the EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse emissions.
  • I will Protect and strengthen the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
  • I would oppose free drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
  • I will defend the Endangered Species Act.

#5 I am going to work to ensure everybody is offered the chance to go to school and receive a quality education.

Education is a benefit to us all, and yet we have faced several years of cutbacks, from Head Start to College. We need to bring quality and access back to education. Investing in education is the smartest investment America can make and the returns will ensure the success of our country. Education is essential to a thriving and prosperous America.

  • I would guarantee every child access to all educational opportunities.
  • I would support the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which focuses more on the success of students and the support of teachers.
  • I will work towards reducing costs to college students, trying to obtain free schooling for all.
  • I would increase funding grants for low and middle income students.
  • I will work towards funding a new college in the Inland Empire.
  • I will work towards eliminating predatory funding of college education.

#6 I am going to fight for the protection of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Our elderly and disabled are entitled to Social Security and Medicare benefits. They have worked and paid taxes to support those who came before them, and it is their right to receive those benefits when they retire, or when they need it. We should be strengthening Social Security and Medicare, and not weaken it.

For more than 75 years, Social Security has succeeded in keeping millions of senior citizens, widows, and the disabled out of poverty.

  • I will fight to protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

#7 I am going to work on improving transportation with maintenance and lower transportation costs.

We live in one of the most congested and polluted counties in the nation. I am the only representative who has driven tough commutes. I used to travel from Pomona to Irvine 5-6 days a week. We need to continue building a transportation system that will help eliminate the negative consequences to our environment and create jobs, and also make it easier to commute so you can spend less time on the road and more time with your family.

  • Make sure the Inland Empire receives the money needed for infrastructure maintenance and new transportation projects.

#8 I am going to work to continue to improve public safety.

I will make sure we continue keeping our communities safe from crime. I will also support our law enforcement, making sure they have all the tools they need to stop crime and violence. I will also work to ensure we adopt policies that enable the community to be more involved in their safety (community policing).

Safety concerns for Americans should also focus on sentencing, corrections, and making sure to discourage repeat offenders while controlling the costs. States need to ease or end penalties for lower-level drug offenses.

  • I will work to ease penalties for lower level drug offenses and use the savings to concentrate on preventing and solving violent crimes. In 2012, there were 757,969 marijuana arrests which are both expensive and burdensome for law enforcement.
  • I support the decriminalization of marijuana and will ask for release of those convicted of related offenses.

#9 I am going to ensure we continue our efforts on National Security.

America needs to stay prepared to face any threats to our security and that we continue to have the most advanced technology and best trained troops.

  • I would work to strengthen our national security and defense so that we are not dependent upon our foes or competitors for critical manufacturing, technology, energy or other security needs.
  • I would promote internet security.
  • I would not allow other countries to hold on to any of our technology.

#10 I am going to work to make sure we have a Foreign policy that supports development, social and economic justice across the globe.

I would support sustainable development and social and economic justice across the globe. America is the leader in the world, when it comes to foreign policy. Most politicians think giving more money keeps us the best, and that is not the case. Staying on top does not mean spending the most, it means being smarter.

  • The cornerstone of American foreign policy should be that we support all democracies, human rights, and international law.
  • America will not support repressive regimes.
  • Stop the TPP and TPA. The Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) would combine the European Union with the North American Union of Canada, the United States and Mexico into one gigantic trade union where you will have absolutely no rights at all. Obama combined TAFTA with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and had it introduced it into the Senate as SB-1900, the Trading Prioritization Act (TPA)
  • Instead of focusing on trade agreements that take jobs away from America and harms our integrity, we need to look at Fair Trade, which promotes for higher price for producers as well as social and environmental standards.

#11 I am going to protect the constitution.

As stated in the Congressional Oath, I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 5, 2014 09:02
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