This information is provided by the candidate
Vision for the Future of Education in San Joaquin County:
- We are currently at a crossroads in education with the implementation of Common Core Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and Smarter Balanced Assessments (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) as well as the largest reform in education funding with the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula and the Local Control Accountability Plan. These are the largest changes in education in California in the memory of most educators. I believe it can be a new beginning for our County's education system. With the right leadership, San Joaquin County Office of Education has the capability to become a catalyst and model for support and success for our county schools and educational agencies.
- We are in need of a new, forward thinking, and innovative leader that advocates and cares for all children. A higher level of education for the county's children will lead to tremendous growth opportunities, both economical and societal. Education will help address the long term high unemployment level in the County which still hovers around the 12%. This will, in turn, have a positive impact on the reduction of crime in the county. The nation's unemployment is hovering around 8% and so is our neighboring county to the north (Sacramento). We need to make positive changes that will only happen through the development of our youth with enriched and innovative learning environments. With the right experience in developing and implementing programs to meet the needs of our County's diverse population of learners, from English Learners and high achievers to children in need of intensive academic, emotional, and structural supports, the San Joaquin County Office of Education can further expand its support to a college-bound and/or career ready group of young adults who promise to thrive in or community and be ready to take it to the next level.
- I believe the county office of education can and should increase collaboration and support for school districts considering all of the changes ahead. The county superintendent can work hand in hand with districts to find common areas of need and develop a variety of strategies to collaborate in addressing those areas of need. Examples of this would be professional development and support for teachers in the implementation of Common Core , the implementation of LCAP plans, STE(A)M education, and Career Technical Education. With the right vision, the San Joaquin County Office of Education can build its connections and resources for expanded programs, internships, mentorships, and learning opportunities for the success of all students while preparing them for the needs of our local workforce.
- I believe the County Superintendent and County Office of Education can and should have a positive impact on the education of our children. The superintendent can nurture partnerships with local businesses, help improve services and programs for students, and work with districts to develop teachers and educational leaders. All of these things will help create a positive economic future for SJ County.
- My educational leadership, my instructional experience, my educational vision, and my advocacy for what the students of our community need to succeed and contribute to our great valley is what the San Joaquin County Office of Education needs to steer us through the great reform efforts of our educational system in California.