Our district needs strong leadership and a new direction. This district faces problems in accountability, fiscal resource allocation and educational performance standards. I advocate the development of long-term strategic planning for this district that will clearly assign responsibility. I will bring critical analysis, common sense, integrity and the ability to make the board transparent and responsive at a time when so many tough decisions must be made.
Failed Leadership:
The current district administration and board are promoting administrators with little or no classroom experience while forcing highly qualified senior teachers out, losing their experiences to help develop higher educational standards. Instead the district is watering down higher level classes just to show that we have more students in them.
Community Safety:
We have programs in place that would help to decrease the truancy rate (only two Schools in the State are below us) if the administration would just do their job and use them. The truancy rate contributes to an increase in day time burglary rates as reported in a newspaper article where the Sheriff's department stated this fact.
Wasting Taxpayer Money:
We have a Superintendent whose salary is higher than that of the Governor of California. He has been rewarded with a three year contract for presiding over a district that in 2007 had the lowest State Test scores among eleven comparable High School Districts and fell even further behind in the years since.
We must bring back the involvement, respect and voices of the community, parents, students and staff. Our school district can be one of the best in the state. When elected I plan to vote my conscience and not anyone else's. I will not be bullied, intimidated or bought. There is too much at stake.