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Mayor Mary Sue Maurer was elected to the Calabasas City Council in 2005, served as Mayor in 2008, and was re-elected to another four-year term in 2009. She currently serves as our Mayor. Her focus on the City Council has been on environmental issues, senior and educational priorities, and the development of public health and public safety programs. Many of these initiatives have put Calabasas at the forefront of civic leadership for cities across the U.S.A. Some of her many accomplishments include:
- Launched a generous grant program for Calabasas schools to help maintain their excellent reputation during unprecedented budget cuts;
- Campaigned for the construction of A.C. Stelle Middle School by co-founding the advocacy group "Middle School Now";
- Mayor Maurer developed a special program for Calabasas Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts that provides them with the experience of participating in local government decision-making through "Councilmember For a Day" mock council meetings.
Senior Issues
- Initiated a Senior Task Force to explore the establishment of a Calabasas Senior Center;
- Supported affordable senior apartments and townhouses with priority given to Calabasas residents;
- Initiated an expansion of high-quality senior social and recreational programs;
- Developed a special needs database for people with mobility issues that might need assistance in the event of a disaster or evacuation.
- As a member of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Advisory Board, she is a strong proponent of acquiring and protecting open space throughout the region for public benefit and stopping over development of the Santa Monica Mountains;
- Sponsored legislation banning plastic bags in grocery stores;
- Sponsored legislation that prohibits the use of one-time use polystyrene (Styrofoam) packaging by Calabasas restaurants;
- As Mayor, she signed the U.S. Conference of Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement, an agreement in which supporting mayors pledged to reduce carbon emissions in their cities below 1990 levels, in line with the Kyoto Protocol.
Wildlife Protection
- Established a strong working relationship with wildlife experts that resulted in a model public education plan to help residents understand how to co-exist with local coyotes;
- Provided funds to a crucial mountain lion research project and offered a reward for information leading to the brutal killing of a rare local mountain lion.
Public Health and Safety
- Worked with local law enforcement to create a "comfort room" at the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff's Station where victims of crime and children in protective custody can have privacy;
- Created an annual drive-thru flu shot clinic, in partnership with the L.A. County Department of Public Health, as a model for preparedness in the event of an emergency mass inoculation event;
- Advocated for a health needs assessment at LVUSD schools that resulted in a second school nurse to develop health and safety protocols for chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes, as well as for injuries;
- Supported legislation that restricted second-hand smoke exposure at outdoor dining areas and public gatherings, and sponsored an amendment requiring 80% of apartment units in Calabasas to be smoke-free. She was recognized for her collaborative leadership by the California Apartments Association for her efforts.