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Hamilton County, OH November 6, 2012 Election
Smart Voter

Why Jim Neil is the Real Deal for Hamilton County Sheriff

By Jim Neil

Candidate for Sheriff; County of Hamilton

This information is provided by the candidate
Restore Integrity and Honesty. Elect me, Jim Neil, a Proven, Trusted, Educated & Experienced Leader who is both Fiscally Responsible & Conservative.
The most pressing issue facing the next Sheriff of Hamilton County is the budget. Current economic conditions require us to tighten our belts and most likely make some cuts. I believe the last cuts that should be considered are those of our direct service providers to this community. One of my goals is to first maintain the current levels of service while trying to increase services even on a reduced budget. Before we can do any of this, we must first get our house in order. This begins with a full, independent, unbiased fiscal and operational audit of the entire Sheriff's Office. Something that has never been done before. Then we must move forward with a restructuring of the command staff of the Sheriff's Office so we can address both efficiency and effectiveness of operations. This would include combining internal sections and units, eliminating duplication of services, cutting management fat and eliminating waste. I will not dissolve vital departmental operations like the Regional Enforcement Narcotics Unit, which provide a great service to our community. And I will seek the growth of our volunteer services like Citizens on Patrol, the Pipe and Drum Unit and the Special Deputy Unit, which also provide a great volunteer service to our community.

Another pressing concern is the unpopular issue of insufficient jail space in Hamilton County. Let me begin by saying it doesn't matter what size facility we have, the courts will always sentence to capacity. Therefore, it will always be an issue. As an example, when the Queensgate Correctional Facility was open in the old Kruse Hardware building it provided an additional 800+ bed compliment to what we currently have at the Justice Center and it was also filled to capacity. So telling the citizens that we need a new jail, after they have already twice rejected a sales tax increase for that very issue, would be fiscally irresponsible without first exploring alternative methods of sentencing and confinement. And since the president of Rock Gaming has said that the location of the Justice Center is of no concern to the Horseshoe Casino or to the safety of its patrons, then that too is no reason to consider alternative jail locations. When the citizens of Hamilton County are currently over our heads in our financial obligations of paying for two stadiums (which is a large factor in our strained budget situation), then I currently see no justification to support a new jail. We need to increase electronic monitoring as a more fiscally responsible alternative to confinement of non-violent misdemeanant offenders. This alone would alleviate the strain on jail confinement.

I am not a product of the political machine currently in place. I bring a real change and breath of fresh air that the Sheriff's Office hasn't seen in nearly 25 years and an end to the 'good ole boy network.' I value people and use possessions, not the other way around. And double-dipping is something that has been a hot issue for many years now. When elected Sheriff, I will end the abusive practice of double-dipping where the cronies are permitted to simply take advantage of the pension system and the tax payers to line their own pockets. I believe in recreating an agency that is more transparent with its employees and the public. Fear and intimidation should not be a part of any management culture. On my watch I will improve the morale of the Sheriff's Office and the service it provides to all the citizens across Hamilton County.

For over 30 years, I have served the citizens of Hamilton County as a Deputy Sheriff learning this job from the ground up and preparing myself to be the next Sheriff. I have answered actual calls for service in the community as a Law Enforcement Officer. I have been decorated for Valor and Bravery after shooting a murder suspect. I have worked my way through the ranks by competitive examination with my peers to the position of Lieutenant and commanded several aspects of the department including the Police Academy and the Bomb Squad. I have been involved in the budget process as well as grant writing. I have formal training and education from Northwestern University in Police Staff and Command. This is one of 3 nationally recognized courses that is a prerequisite for many large police agencies when considering the hiring of police leaders. It is my formal training and my actual law enforcement experience that permits me to lead the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office from the field and not just from the sidelines. To be more than just a politician.

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