Click on ballot measure for more detail.
- Measure C.
Extension of Existing Parcel Tax
-- Shoreline Unified School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
724 /
63.2% Yes votes ......
421 /
36.8% No votes
- To maintain existing school programs and improve the quality of education; to provide funds to buy updated textbooks and materials for math, reading, and writing
courses; and to enhance critical programs including, but not limited to, computer science, library, and arts programs, shall the Shoreline Unified School District extend the existing $184.70 a year parcel tax, increasing annually at 2%, for no more than eight years?
- Measure K.
Special Parcel Tax
-- West Sonoma County Union High School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
19,514 /
73.6% Yes votes ......
6,991 /
26.4% No votes
- To provide funds to keep the school's libraries open;
maintain and improve the arts, shop, culinary, technology,
and other career education classes, maintain and improve college prep courses; and maintain school counseling; shall the West Sonoma County Union High School District be authorized to levy $48.00 per parcel annually for eight
years with specific accountability requirements, have no funds for administrators' salaries, provide a senior citizens' exemption and have all funds stay local and not be taken by the State?
- Measure L.
Special Parcel Tax
-- Fort Ross Elementary School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
247 /
69.2% Yes votes ......
110 /
30.8% No votes
- To provide funds to offset state revenue cuts, for support of quality academic programs, including reading, writing,
math, science and technology, enrichment activities such
as art, music and drama, retention of highly qualified
teachers, and library and student bus transportation services, shall the Fort Ross Elementary School District be authorized to levy $48.00 per parcel annually for eight years, provide a senior citizens' exemption and have funds stay local and not be taken by the State?
- Measure M.
General Obligation Bonds
-- Gravenstein Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,971 /
66.0% Yes votes ......
1,015 /
34.0% No votes
- To modernize, construct and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; improve student access to technology; install solar energy systems; make health,
safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; improve classroom energy efficiency; and upgrade outdated electrical systems; shall the Gravenstein Union School District issue $6,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee and have No money taken by the state or used for salaries?
- Measure N.
General Obligation Bonds
-- Roseland School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,612 /
69.0% Yes votes ......
723 /
31.0% No votes
- To make health and safety renovations; modernize outdated classrooms and restrooms; improve energy efficiency of facilities; upgrade playgrounds and playfields; increase student access to computers and modern technology; and construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, replace, lease, furnish or equip school facilities districtwide, shall
the Roseland Elementary School District issue $7,000,000 of
bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee and have no bond money taken by the state or used for teacher or administrator salaries?
- Measure O.
Special Parcel Tax
-- Sebastopol Union School District
(2/3 Approval Required)
4,797 /
72.3% Yes votes ......
1,842 /
27.7% No votes
- To provide stable funding the State cannot take away,
protect academic programs in reading assistance, writing, math, art, science and vocal and instrumental music, retain teachers, maintain student counseling services, and provide books and instructional materials, shall the
Sebastopol Union School District be authorized to levy $76.00 per parcel annually for eight years with an independent citizens' oversight committee, have no funds for administrators' salaries, provide a senior citizens' exemption and have all funds stay local?
- Measure P.
School Bonds
-- Wilmar Union School District
(55% Approval Required)
1,075 /
64.0% Yes votes ......
604 /
36.0% No votes
- To renovate and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities at Wilson School; make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; increase student access to computers and modern technology; improve energy efficiency by installing solar panels to save on energy costs; and replace outdated and inefficient windows; shall the Wilmar Union School District issue $4,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee and No money used for teacher or administrative salaries?
- Measure Q.
City Charter Amendment for Council Member Elections
-- City of Santa Rosa
(Majority Approval Required)
23,012 /
40.2% Yes votes ......
34,273 /
59.8% No votes
- District Elections: Shall the Santa Rosa City Charter be
amended to change the manner in which City Council
members are elected from at large elections to each
Council member being elected by and from districts
created by the Council?
- Measure R.
City Charter Amendment for Binding Arbitration
-- City of Santa Rosa
(Majority Approval Required)
38,222 /
72.1% Yes votes ......
14,800 /
27.9% No votes
- Binding Arbitration: Shall an amendment to the Santa
Rosa City Charter be adopted to limit and clarify the
manner in which binding arbitration is used for Police and
Fire Department employee disputes?
- Measure S.
Design Build Procurement
-- City of Santa Rosa
(Majority Approval Required)
34,524 /
67.1% Yes votes ......
16,946 /
32.9% No votes
- Shall Section 58 be added to the Santa Rosa City Charter to allow for the use of design-build procurement by the City under guidelines to
be established by ordinance?
- Measure T.
Charter Amendments
-- City of Santa Rosa
(Charter Amendments - Majority Approval Required)
39,620 /
76.5% Yes votes ......
12,176 /
23.5% No votes
- Shall amendments to the Santa Rosa City Charter be adopted that reorganize, update and clarify certain sections relating to the Charter Review, Mayor, Budget, Elections, Council Vacancy, Public
Library, and Pensions?
- Measure U.
Prohibit Construction of Roundabout
-- City of Cotati
(Majority Approval Required)
1,852 /
57.5% Yes votes ......
1,367 /
42.5% No votes
- Shall an ordinance be adopted prohibiting the construction of roundabouts, traffic circles and other similar traffic features anywhere within the City of Cotati city limits?
- Measure V.
Transactions and Use Tax
-- City of Healdsburg
(Majority Approval Required)
2,800 /
55.6% Yes votes ......
2,235 /
44.4% No votes
- To stabilize City finances, offset declining revenues and the loss of redevelopment, and maintain and protect essential City services, shall the City of Healdsburg adopt an ordinance enacting a one-half of one percent transactions and use tax, automatically expiring in ten years, with annual audits and review, and with all funds spent locally for the
benefit of Healdsburg residents?
- Measure W.
Urban Growth Boundary Extension
-- City of Healdsburg
(Majority Approval Required)
3,739 /
75.3% Yes votes ......
1,228 /
24.7% No votes
- Shall the ordinance enacted by the voters of the City of Healdsburg on November 5, 1996 establishing an urban growth boundary for a term of 20 years be amended to extend
- Measure X.
Fund Park and Recreation Initiative
-- City of Petaluma
(2/3 Approval Required)
16,158 /
61.9% Yes votes ......
9,950 /
38.1% No votes
- Shall the City of Petaluma ordinance enhancing specific park and recreation projects, making trail/field safety improvements and playgrounds more accessible, repairing/replacing outdated, deteriorating facilities, and establishing new recreational opportunities by levying a fifteen-year parcel tax of $52 annually for single-family homes; with specified amounts for multi-family and other properties; exemptions for seniors and others, with resulting revenue remaining local (exempt from state use), annual audits, and
oversight by an independent citizens' committee, be adopted?
- Measure Y.
Transactions and Use Tax
-- City of Sebastopol
(Majority Approval Required)
2,969 /
71.0% Yes votes ......
1,210 /
29.0% No votes
- To help preserve the safety, public services and quality of life of Sebastopol, and provide funding to maintain essential general fund services such as police, fire, street and road maintenance and repairs, flood prevention, park and open space maintenance, and other general community services, shall an ordinance be adopted increasing the City transactions and use tax by one half of one percent for a term of
eight (8) years?
- Measure Z.
Special Tax Measure
-- Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District
(2/3 Approval Required)
5,443 /
62.8% Yes votes ......
3,222 /
37.2% No votes
- Shall Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 2012-01 be approved authorizing the District to impose and levy an additional special tax having a maximum rate of $60.00 per assessor's parcel number for a maximum term
of 8 years?
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