It's not a 3-2 majority
During the forums I've attended, it's been brought up that there is a 'team Oceanside' running.
I find this interesting because a team, in this case, would require five members.
You don't have a quarterback and a receiver not talk to each other or not get along and score very many touchdowns or win many games. It's the same in politics.
We need to find five people who want to work with each other in chambers trying to do what is best for all of Oceanside, not just a few areas of Oceanside.
If I'm elected I will hear what everyone council member has to say and go from there. No prejudging, no animosity toward other council member.
The council members in Oceanside need to work as a team. That is the only way Oceanside will grow forward. Too many times it's this gang against that gang and nothing gets done.
I'd like to stop that kind of thinking and get the council members and mayor to work for Oceanside in a common goal.
And that goal is a better Oceanside.
Whether it be new housing, more businesses, better streets, job creation, helping downtown or helping the outskirts of Oceanside. I will see the whole picture of Oceanside and not just bits and pieces.
If elected, I will work with the other four members of the council, not against them.
Every member has a different opinion about how to make Oceanside safer, more prosperous, and a go to place for tourists. We all care about Oceanside. I've seen that doing these forums. We all care how this city is run and what the future holds for Oceanside. What we need now is five people who will work toward that goal together, not split into little factions and work against each other.