The gang violence in our City has been brought to light in recent months.
The gangs have caused damages to businesses, the residential communities and the reputation of the city.
The gangs are utilizing one-third of the City and growing to match the size and cost of Santa Ana. The City police department has devoted 70% of it's officers to protect citizens against the gangs in that one-third area of the City. The remainder of the City, two-thirds, is covered by only 30% of the remaining officers. The statisics are similar in the cost to repairs in the gang areas from graffiti and other damages to property, and lives lost or impaired because of gang activities. The 40 gangs in Anaheim have to be supressed and eliminated. There are 2500 gang members in the City and growing in numbers. This gang action must stop for the betterment of the communities and businesses in the areas. This gang stoppage can only take place with strong action by the City Council. Our current City Council has practiced no such action. Elect me to the City Council and I will work diligently with the Anaheim Police Department to rid our City of the gangs.