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name for additional information supplied by candidate.
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Brian Bilbray
61,930 votes
Scott Peters
34,106 votes
- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: San Diego Port Commissioner
- Council President, City of San Diego
- City Councilman, District 1, City of San Diego
- Commissioner, California Coastal Commission
- Commissioner, Commission on Tax Policy in the New Economy Partner at Peters and Varco, LLP
- Associate, Baker and McKenzie
- Economist, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Get the economy moving again to create jobs and strengthen the middle class.
- Protect Social Security and Medicare so they are there for seniors who count on it.
- Invest in a sustainable energy policy that creates jobs, improves air quality, and reduces our dependence on foreign oil.
Lori Saldaña
33,387 votes
Jack Doyle
6,138 votes
- Occupation: Retired Captain, USNR
- Former Mayor (Santee two-terms)
- Master's, Business Administration (SDSU)
- Mathematics (Purdue University)
- Naval Reserve Officer of the Year, 1987
- Carrier Pilot / Persian Gulf Veteran
- Job creation with tax incentives for worker education & training
- Tax reform (revenue adjustments) & securing Medicare and Social Security for future generations
- Ending partisan gridlock - we must work together to find solutions to fix our economy and reduce the national debt
John K Stahl
5,502 votes
- Party: Republican
- Occupation: Retired Business Executive
- Naval Aviator
- Distinguished Naval Graduate
- BS Math - University of Kentucky
- MBA - Florida Atlantic University
- V. P. of Worldwide Sales - Raytheon Semi
- Co-Founder Teridian Semiconductor
- Cutting Federal Spending
- Restoring Jobs and the Economy
- Restoring Respect for Congress
Wayne Iverson
4,476 votes
- Party: Republican
- Occupation: Physician/Small Businessman
- BS, MD, MBA Degrees
- Medical Staff Scripps Memorial Hospital
- Private Practice Offices Poway & La Jolla
- CA Real Estate Brokers License
- Certficates in Computer Technology
- Numerous Honors & Appointments
- Securing Better Healthcare Legislation
- Retaining the Tax Cuts Passed in 2001-2003
- Preserving Medicare and Offering an Additional Option
Shirley Decourt-Park
2,368 votes
Ehab T. Shehata, M.D.
1,156 votes
- Occupation: Physician, United States Dept of Veterans Affairs San Diego
- Physician, United States Dept of Veterans Affairs (San Diego)
- Residency at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
- M.D. from George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C.
- Protecting the Constitution of the United States for all Americans, including future generations of Americans
- Strengthening the American economy by reducing and eliminating the $15,500,000,000,000 federal debt
- Creating jobs by restoring American policies to favor the American people instead of special interest groups
John L. Subka
1,091 votes
- Party: Republican
- Occupation: Fortune 500 Consultant
- Party: Republican
- 20 yrs Consulting Large Businesses 100M+
- Real Estate Investor
- BS in Computer Science
- American Jobs being Off Shored
- Unemployment. Propose policies that to favor American workers instead of special interest groups.
- Federal Deficit
Gene Hamilton Carswell
828 votes
- Party: Republican
- Occupation: Developer/Builder/Veteran Pilot
- Gene Hamilton Carswell is a Highly Decorated Vietnam Veteran, United States Air Force Instructor Pilot, Test Pilot, Retired International Airline Capt
- Bachelor of Science Engineering, USAF Congressional Briefing Officer
- Master Thesis (Free Surface Flow in Estuaries)
- Board Member Several Corporations
- Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm,USAF Unit Citation for Participation in the Yom Kippur War
- Strategic Air Command Combat Crew of the month
- Economic Stability shall be achieved by Creating Jobs, Emphasizing Quality Education and Insuring Retirees' Security
- Responsibly Assure Quality Health Care Systems for Patients and Medical Professionals by Eliminating Wasteful Spending
- American Security and Security of our Allies... please review the presentation below
Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Candidates Answer Questions
The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund has asked
all candidates for this office to respond to
5 questions on Economy, Budget, Energy, Health care, and Campaign financing.
Official Information
New Districts for 2012!
U.S. House of Representatives
Campaign Finance Data
Nonpartisan Information
Project Vote-Smart
- About the Candidates
- Browse the page to find the line(s) for US House 52. Then find Biography, Campaign Finances, Issue Positions (NPAT), Special Interest Groups, and Voting Record where available.
Open Congress
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- Enter your zip to see your representatives. Click on the person's name to see how your Congressional Representative voted on many key issues.
General Links
Election Archives
- See the candidates, issues, and results from previous elections:
3/2/04, 11/5/02, 11/7/00, 3/7/00,
11/3/98, 6/2/98
- All links open in new window
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