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Los Angeles County, CA | June 5, 2012 Election |
Democrats, Republicanr or AmericansBy David MillerCandidate for Member, Republican Party County Central Committee; County of Los Angeles; Assembly District 48 | |
This information is provided by the candidate |
Who are We?Are We Democrats, Republican or Americans? In 2010 we find ourselves asking the question, what are we fighting for?, who are we upset with?, who made this mess? I think I have the answer, you and I made this mess. We have allowed for years the two major political parties to control the national conservation and pit us against one another, right verses left, liberal verses conservative, the poor verses the rich. I am asking all of us, are we not first and foremost Americans? If the answer to that question for you is yes, then I am asking you to start asking your questions from a different point of view. What is best for AMERICA, think of America as a single person, a single nation, a unified people. If we began to see her as one, there would not be factions of black and white, rich and poor, left and right, we would all just want what was best for America. How do "We The People" of the United States of America come together under one cause. That cause is what makes America great, "Liberty" This republic was created to insure that each one of us would be free to pursue or God given rights, to our life, liberty and (property) pursuit of happiness. Our right to choose for ourselves how we will live, where we will live and what dreams we will pursue is the most valuable asset America has. We are not only fighting against Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, but those people in both major political parties who have and continue to take our rights. Both parties have been promising things to their constituents for years to stay in power. Social Security has been raided for unconstitutional spending for years, while both major parties had control of Congress. So I ask, Please stop looking at the "R" or the "D" or the "I", next to the name of a Candidate, Look at the principles and beliefs of the candidate running for office and Vote accordingly... |
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