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State of Oregon (Marion, Clackamas, Polk, Lincoln, Benton, Multnomah, Tillamook Counties) November 2, 2010 Election
US Representative; District 5 Voter Information

Candidates (Vote for 1)

This is a preview of the election. Candidates will be added and may change until the final certified list of names is available. Some contests or ballot questions might be added.

Candidates for this contest were not invited to provide additional details. The information shown here is provided for reference.

Kurt Schrader

  • Party: Democratic
  • Addr:2525 North Baker Drive, Canby, OR 97013
  • Other Site Profiles: VoteSmart
Scott Z. Bruun
  • Party: Republican, Independent
  • Phone:503-699-6978; Addr:1980 Willamette Falls Drive, Suite 120, Private Mailbox 160, West Linn, OR 97068
  • Other Site Profiles: VoteSmart
Chris Lugo
  • Party: Pacific Green, Progressive
  • Phone:503-756-5801; Addr:1108 7th Street, Oregon City, OR 97309
  • Other Site Profiles: VoteSmart

Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State. Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
  Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.

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Created: November 5, 2010 17:43 PDT
Smart Voter   <http://www.smartvoter.org/>
Copyright © League of Women Voters of California Education Fund   http://cavotes.org
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political parties.