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Louisiana State Government November 2, 2010 Election
US Senator; State of Louisiana Voter Information

Results as of Nov 3 12:32pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (3877/3877)
Candidates (Vote for 1)

This is a preview of the election. Candidates will be added and may change until the final certified list of names is available. Some contests or ballot questions might be added.

Candidates for this contest were not invited to provide additional details. The information shown here is provided for reference.

David Vitter 715304 votes 57%

  • Party: Republican
Charlie Melancon 476423 votes 38%
  • Party: Democratic
Randall Todd Hayes 13,952 votes 1.1%
  • Party: Libertarian
Michael Karlton Brown 9,970 votes 0.8%
Michael Lane "Mike" Spears 9,188 votes 0.7%
Ernest D. Wooton 8,164 votes 0.6%
R. A. "Skip" Galan 7,471 votes 0.6%
William R. McShan 5,879 votes 0.5%
  • Party: Reform
William Robert "Bob" Lang, Jr. 5,732 votes 0.5%
Milton Gordon 4,806 votes 0.4%
Thomas G. "Tommy" LaFargue 4,042 votes 0.3%
Sam Houston Melton, Jr. 3,779 votes 0.3%

Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State. Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
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Created: January 6, 2011 15:04 PST
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