Today, I come before the Citizens of Oceanside-City,to seek their graces, so as to become a Council-member of the City of Oceanside.
I am not a politician. Therefore I am beholden to no, special interests, which does give me the opportunity to truly serve the Citizens of Oceanside-City. What is my political-platform?
It is the Happiness, the Health, and the Welfare of every citizen of Oceanside City. It is to effect a "Balance" and also to effect a City-Public-Policy, whereby the citizens, the public-safety officials. and the City government, work together in harmony, wherein the City of Oceanside could become a model of successful government for the citizens of the state of California, and also, wherein the City of Oceanside could become a model of successful government for the U.S. government. For too long in the history of our beloved country, the American-Citizenry have been subjected to the arrogance of our elected officials and also have been subjected to the dishonesty of our elected officials, and also the American-Citizenry has been subjected to the skulduggery of our elected officials. Let us begin, in Oceanside City, to govern ourselves properly and honestly, and therefore, let us begin to govern our state of California, properly and honestly, and also therefore, let us begin to govern our beloved country, properly and honestly for the true benefit of the future generations of citizens to come. Thank you, Citizens, for this opportunity to address you.