- Our tax dollars are being thrown in hte toilet on the pork filled "stimulus" bill. ..Is your bank account stimulated ? Mine's not. Because we now need to cough up $10,500 each in taxes to pay for it ! Why in the world are we continuing to let irresponsible spending policies be put on the backs of the American people?? We have reached our breaking point. No more.
HR 1
- The current economic policy has resulted in record job loss, record deficits, and none of the job creation promised. The prediction was unemployment would top out at 8% if the stimulus passed; instead, it's 12.4% and rising.
Spend more money, run up more debt, print more money, and think that is going to solve the problem that was created by spending too much money, running up debt, and printing too much money. One not need be a Harvard Ph.D. in economics to realize the idiocy of this reasoning. IT DOESN'T WORK. So now we're stuck with this "government will save the world" "stimulus" plan that was rammed through, which has produced no job growth and a herculean mountain of debt the size of Mt. Everest.
My solution:
Enacting policies that help small businesses to create new jobs and grow our economy is a priority for me. Government is not in the job creating business, American people are.
- Immediately lower federal, state, and business taxes so that Americans have more of their own money to spend and invest. It worked under Reagan and it will work again.
- The wrong course of action is taxing businesses, burying future generations in more debt, and trying to spend and borrow our way back to prosperity. This has never worked and never never never will now matter how hard they try to sell it.
- Reduce ridiculous burdensome regulations and fees on businesses so they are free to be able to flourish, expand, and hire more workers.
- As a businessman myself, I experience first hand the ridiculous amount of red tape businesses are required to go through. This MUST be cut drastically.
- Enact an aggressive watch dog office to strictly enforce the elimination of wasteful government spending which will save billions.
- Who is asleep at the wheel when our dysfunctional government spends $600,000 in of your hard earned tax money on researching the sex lives of South African ground squirrels ?? Well I'm not asleep, and I intend to be wide awake when addressing this issue.
- What does this mean to you ?
More money in your pocket. ..enough said.