- Party: Democratic
- Occupation: Teacher
- Doctoral Degree expected October 2011
- Master In Education 1994
- Masters in Business Administration 1990
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Eliminating the Academic Achievement Gap/make College Affordable
- Fixing the School District of Philadelphia
- Improving our Environment
- Improving Education in Philadelphia/Making College Affordable
We can improve Philadelphia Schools by installing curricula designed and proven to enable children to grow academically and emotionally.
We can also create incentives to insure children arrive at school reading ready, thereby reducing the academic achievement gap.
- Global warming
In 1988, researchers Randall Cerveny and Robert Balling of Arizona State University released a report detailing that pollution accumulating during the week most likely spoils weekend weather on the Atlantic Coast. They have demonstrated the two most likely days for it to rain are Saturday and Sunday, and the reason for this is human activity.
- Fixing The School District of Philadelphia
A four point plan based on replicated research to fix Philadelphia Schools now.