This information is provided by the candidate
Why you should vote for me: Quality of Life is the cornerstone. The livability of our neighborhoods must be maintained and strengthened for those in need. We expect roads we can drive, streets we can walk day or night, and homes where we are safe. I will promote policies and practices that wisely invest our dollars so we continue to provide outstanding recreational, cultural, and social services to our citizens. Finally, leadership is an important component of public service. It is not merely making good decisions. The decisions we reach are really `ours,' the community's; we all have a vested interest in making the best decision and effectively communicating the result. Your actions should match your philosophy.
Recent Accomplishments
- Held a series of meetings with the United Homeowners Association regarding increasing opportunities for public involvement in the planning applications process.
- Submitted project list and application for Proposition 1B local streets and roads funding
- Working with the Boy Scouts to save the endangered Mission Blue butterfly
- Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Poplar Pump Station rehabilitation project
- Worked with the City Attorney's office to amend the sign code to address the interests of the Chamber of Commerce to allow for adequate signage for San Mateo businesses
- Over 30 businesses attended the "Keeping Your Business Alive" panel held at the Business Resource Center in February.
- Negotiation commenced for the acquisition of a portion of property necessary for the reconstruction of Fire Station #24.
- Prepared response to a request from FEMA's regional specialist explaining the City's process and procedures for enforcing the City's flood ordinance.
- Building permit issued for Mid-Peninsula Peninsula Station
- Held Joint Planning Commission and City Council study session on General Plan revision and currently drafting the EIR.
- Held Joint Planning Commission and City Council study session on the Housing Element.
- Completed the revised draft Downtown Plan. Negative declaration process completed and currently going through the public review period.
- The Community Development, Police, and Public Works departments finalized a comprehensive review of what services are to be provided in the Downtown, at what cost, and by which funding source
- Finalized preliminary designs for Fire Station #24 for submittal to the Planning Commission.
- Submitted $2 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act paving project for approval by Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration
- Adopted a Stop Sign Ordinance and Policy