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Montgomery, Northampton, Lehigh, Bucks Counties, PA September 29, 2009 Election
Smart Voter

Working to improve the state's business climate and create jobs

By Robert B. "Bob" Mensch

Candidate for State Senator; District 24

This information is provided by the candidate
The economy and the need to create jobs are clearly the most important issues to me. As a state we need to be doing more to foster a better economic environment that will help spur job creation and allow businesses to grow and flourish. Here in Pennsylvania, we are quick to put together lavish incentive packages to encourage new businesses to locate here in Pennsylvania. But we need to spend more time looking at changes we can make that will allow the businesses that are already in existence here to thrive and flourish.

We need to work harder to address overly burdensome regulations and red tape. We need to encourage small business owners to reinvest in their business and create new jobs. Equally important, we need to provide our young people with the best possible education so that business will come to Pennsylvania and invest in our workforce.

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