- Pay For Play Politics
I am against the practice of pay-for-play politics. What is pay-for-play? It is the practice of selecting people for critical administrative postions in Hatfield based on what one has to "pay" in order to be chosen for a job in the form of campaign contributions. Individuals are NOT chosen based on their qualifications or who is most qualified for the job; just how much they have or will pay in campaign contributions.
- Land Development
We have about 1000 acres of undeveloped land remaining in Hatfield Township. What is needed is a sensible approach to development that truly serves the township, residents and their traffic concerns. I recently voted no for a development because too many homes were being build on a small parcel of land. This development was not about how much money people would make, rather it is about the quality of life in our township. It is about us managing developers and not developers managing us.
- Accessible to Residents
My job as commissioner is to work with residents when they have concerns or issues. Over the past four years I have worked with residents on a wide range of issues. Some comments that have been emailed to me include: "he takes the time to listen...gets the ball rolling....appreciate all his help...would not have happened without your assistance...thank you for spearheading the effort..." I will continue to be accessible and serve the residents of Hatfield Township