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San Mateo County Ballot

Combined ballot

See Also:   Information for the County of San Mateo
(Elections Office, local League of Women Voters, links to other county election sites)

May 5, 2009 Election

| Local Measures
Click on Name of Contest below.
Polling Location on May 5, mail in election only
This election is conducted by mail only
[Poll data last updated 2009/04/13 17:01]
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Absentee (mail) ballots may be returned to a worker at any of the  polling places within your county on election day.
Contests for all precincts in San Mateo County, CA combined are shown below.
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  • Local Measures

    Measure A Parcel Tax -- Jefferson Elementary School District (2/3 Approval Required)
    Fail: 4,092 / 57.9% Yes votes ...... 2,976 / 42.1% No votes
    To maintain and improve quality education and protect neighborhood elementary schools from state budget cuts by attracting/retaining qualified teachers/staff, maintaining writing, math, science, art/music programs, improving instruction with computer technology, and keeping class sizes small, shall Jefferson Elementary School District authorize an $85 annual education parcel tax for seven years, exempting senior citizens, with citizens' oversight, mandatory audits, no money for administrator salaries, and all funds staying in local schools to enhance achievement?"

    Measure B Parcel Tax -- San Carlos School District (2/3 Approval Required)
    Pass: 5,746 / 71.2% Yes votes ...... 2,324 / 28.8% No votes
    To protect San Carlos' excellent elementary and middle schools; maintain high-quality programs including hands-on science, literacy programs to ensure all students read at or above grade level; attract, retain, and avoid laying off highly qualified teachers; and maintain art and music; shall the San Carlos School District impose a $78 per parcel school tax per year for six years, with independent citizen oversight, an exemption for those 65 and older, and all funds supporting local schools?

    Measure C Parcel Tax -- Woodside Elementary School District (2/3 Approval Required)
    Pass: 788 / 74.8% Yes votes ...... 266 / 25.2% No votes
    To maintain and enhance academic excellence at Woodside School through emphasis on quality instruction, especially in math, science, reading and writing, attracting and retaining outstanding teachers, and maintaining small class sizes, shall Woodside Elementary School District continue its annual school tax of $242 per parcel for eight years, adjusted by changes in the Consumer Price Index, not to exceed 4 percent annually, to increase the District's appropriations limit accordingly, with exemption for those 65 years and older?

    Measure StormDrain Storm Drain Measure -- City of Burlingame (Majority Approval Required)
    Pass: 2,706 / 63.4% Yes votes ...... 1,561 / 36.6% No votes
    To: . improve, upgrade and maintain the deteriorated storm drain system . protect water quality . further reduce pollutants flowing into our creeks and San Francisco Bay . prevent street flooding that impedes residents and police/fire emergency access . improve local drainage

    shall the City of Burlingame enact a storm drainage fee at the rate of 4.192 cents per impervious square foot, adjusted for inflation not exceeding 2% annually, with independent audits, citizen's oversight, and requiring all funds expended only on storm drains?

    The order of the contests and candidates on this ballot representation is NOT necessarily the same as your county's official ballot.
    If you print and mark your choices on this page and take it to the polls instead of an official sample ballot, be very careful.

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    Data Created: July 31, 2009 13:01 PDT
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    The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political parties.