The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Pressing Issues,
Health Care
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are the two most pressing issues you will face if you are elected? (50 word limit)
Answer from Bob Klug:
1. State Budget- making sure tax money is used in a clean, honest & efficient manor for all Ohioans
2. Keep lobbyists from fouling up good legislation
Answer from Bob Mecklenborg:
Jobs and economy.
Energy production and distribution.
2. How will you address each of those issues? (100 word limit)
Answer from Bob Mecklenborg:
Jobs and economy: The economic package we passed this year is a significant first step toward cutting back on "brain drain" and promoting the education necessary to provide good paying jobs in all economic sectors. We must also cut excessive governmental regulations so our businesses will be in a position to create and maintain the good paying jobs we need in Ohio.
Energy production and distribution: With the passage of the Energy Bill this past year, Ohio is poised to be a leader in all aspects of energy production. We should seize this opportunity and we have the technology to do it in an environmentally sound way.
Answer from Bob Klug:
I will devote my term to make Ohio a friendly and practical state for independent business and all its citizens. I will try to reign-in the arrogant bureaucracies, restore controls to the P.U.C.O, find funding for schools somewhere other than property taxes and get the state out of the retail liquor business. I WILL bring Ohio into the 21st Century.
3. What role should the state play in updating Ohio's aging infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and transit services and equipment, in order to promote economic revitalization? (100 word limit)
Answer from Bob Mecklenborg:
The economic package passed this year is a good example of the role government should play in dealing with infrastructure. Significant state assets were set aside to update that infrastructure and it allows for the continuation of the Brownfield Revitalization Program. A sound transportation system is key to economic vitality and has been since the formation of our country.
Answer from Bob Klug:
If the funding is available, the state should be working with the federal government to improve our infrastructure. We cannot defecit-spend our way out this mess, however, so proper budgeting is necessary and will only contribute to the betterment of the state when it comes to economic revitalization.
4. What role do state legislators have in reforming health care in the U.S.? (100 word limit)
Answer from Bob Mecklenborg:
First and foremost we must make sure that Ohio has a full compliment of professionals in our healthcare system. This extends to doctors, nurses, psychologists and all other healthcare professionals. We have tremendous educational facilities in Ohio and we must do everything possible to encourage our healthcare graduates to work in Ohio with an eye toward making sure that all areas of the state have sufficient healthcare access. We must also make sure that tort reforms previously enacted stay in place and are not eroded.
Answer from Bob Klug:
It's obvious that with 47 million Americans uninsured, we are in need of healthcare reforms. I will work with Governor Strickland to weigh the options and make the best decision not only for Ohioans, but for our country as a whole.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. The answer must not exceed 100 words. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.