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Butte County, CA November 4, 2008 Election
Smart Voter

Economic Development for Oroville--Second Gold Rush

By David W. Pittman

Candidate for Council Member; City of Oroville

This information is provided by the candidate
A second Gold Rush is on its way to Oroville and the City Council must seize the opportunity to encourage development, growth and corresponding positive economics.
  • Oroville has availble land, water capacity and a capable infrastructure for the second Gold Rush.
  • There is an unprecedented level of solid development projects within Oroville and its immediate vicininty.
  • The City will have a crucial role in facilitating, coordinating and organizing these projects.
  • The Oroville Dam Settlement Agreement signed March of 2006 provides a new investment of over 450 million worth of Recreational Improvements to Lake Oroville facilities.
  • The Settlement Agreement also provides 60 million for local Recreation Economic Development projects that have nexas to the Feather River location through Oroville. The Supplemental Benefits Fund committee has already distributed the first of these funds and has its long term Strategic Plan contractor in process.
  • The Oroville retail sales leakage study has identified over 190 million dollars of sales leaving Oroville. Which demonstrates to business the potential opportunities to locate or expand into Oroville.

This information comprises all the elements of the Second Gold Rush soon to arrive to Oroville's economy.

My pledge priorities, My 34 years experience with the City, My background and intimate knowledge of Oroville will provide a unique contribution to the Oroville City Council responsibilites. In addition I also offer my personal vision of the future Oroville

Pittman Vision:

I want to see Oroville that in 2025, can boast of being a City where families still enjoy a high quality of life. An Oroville that will have a thriving downtown core, traffic that moves smoothly, clean air and open spaces. A vibrant, prosperous business community, which will provide good paying jobs. The cultural environment, museums, theaters, and recreation that will grow to meet the people's needs. I want Oroville to be a place that my grandchildren, and yours will be proud to call home.

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