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Essex, Middlesex County, MA September 16, 2008 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for John F. Tierney

Candidate for
United States Representative; District 6; Democratic Party

This information is provided by the candidate

U.S. Representative John F. Tierney is serving his sixth term representing the Sixth Congressional District of Massachusetts. In the 110th Congress, John became Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. In his work on this pivotal committee, he has chaired subcommittee hearings on veterans care at the Walter Reed Hospital, nonproliferation and missile defense, responsible sponsorship of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and U.S. policy reform in Pakistan and Afghanistan, named as the central front in the war on terror.

In addition, John is the only Member from Massachusetts to serve on the House Committee on Education and Labor where he sits on the Subcommittee on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Competitiveness and the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions. He was a major co-sponsor of last year's "reconciliation" bill that resulted in the largest increase in federal aid to education since the GI bill when it increased Pell Grants and reduced interest rates on subsidized student loans. Just recently this year, John was a major sponsor and contributor to the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act which the previous Republican majority had been unable to pass since 2003. The Act continues to address college affordability and accessibility issues by authorizing a higher Pell Grant limit, providing for loan forgiveness for those entering public service jobs after graduation, implementing requirements that institutions publicize any cost increases and gives incentives to those that keep increases lower, and, in keeping with the notion that all parties- family and students, federal and state government, and the schools - must do their part, requires states to maintain their investment in public higher education.

He also serves on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a leadership-appointed position. John's leadership positions in Washington allow him to remain focused on issues that are important to people in his district: job stability; educational opportunity; the health and retirement of family members; and security.

At home, John works tirelessly to meet the concrete needs of the people in the cities and towns he represents, such as homeowners who were displaced following the Danvers chemical plant explosion in spring of 2007 and Alcatel-Lucent workers impacted by the closure of the North Andover plant (formerly known as Lucent Technologies). John is taking a lead in energy and environmental matters of interest to the district and nationwide through his position on the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee and through co-sponsorship of vital legislation issues.

In support of his constituents, John's leadership has been evident as Congress considered, and in some instances continues to study, bills re-authorizing the Workforce Investment Act, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Head Start, the Older Americans Act, and other literacy and job training measures.

John has long been an advocate for affordable universal health care accessible to all and has authored and co-sponsored a number of initiatives. While continuing to press for immediate universal coverage, in May of 2007, John authored and proposed legislation to encourage the development of individual state or multi-state systems of medical coverage for all residents.

Seniors and veterans in the 6th District have long witnessed John's tireless advocacy for retirees' health care. His Retiree Health Benefits Protection Act - H.R. 1322 as it is commonly known by national advocate groups - seeks to prohibit profitable corporations from breaking their promises to provide health care to retirees. In fact, Sixth District veterans benefit from three Community-Based Outreach Clinics for care that they and John advocated and worked for, and together they stopped Administration efforts to close or consolidate the Bedford VA Hospital. Now, John's leadership during the Walter Reed hearings has forced more and better attention to the care of our returning injured active-duty soldiers nation-wide.

John's local accomplishments include winning approval for the long-awaited North Shore mass transit system; increasing funding for transportation projects in the Merrimack Valley and on Cape Ann; gaining funding for much-needed water and sewer projects in Essex County; securing the strength of the Regional Employment Board to the North Shore; and making sure that district manufacturers - from builders of jet engines to makers of microchips - can successfully bid on government contracts and compete for research and development grants. Such efforts help the district maintain jobs locally while encouraging growth for the region in the new economy.

Whether it is supporting safe and drug free schools, ensuring that teachers have proper resources to become and continue as fully qualified classroom leaders, or advocating for uniform standards of communication among all homeland security first responders so communities will be fully prepared for crises response management, John is focused on issues that matter here at home.

Born in Salem, Massachusetts on September 18, 1951, Congressman Tierney attended public schools in Salem and graduated from Salem State College. He earned a law degree from Suffolk University, and, until his election to Congress in 1996, was a partner in the North Shore community law firm of Tierney, Kalis and Lucas for over 20 years. He and his wife Patrice continue to make Salem their home.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 12, 2008 07:27
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