This is a copy of information submitted to elections officials by the candidate
Occupation: Attorney/Adjunct Professor
For Malibu’s Future
Like you, I care about Malibu’s future. People are Malibu’s most
precious asset. During the recent rash of fires, Malibu citizens
helped each other in a time of crisis. This is what makes Malibu
great. I want to see our community remain a small, rustic, artistic
town with caring people.
Thank you for your support and encouragement during my first
four years in office. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve. After
thoughtful discussions with my family and friends, I have decided
to seek one more term.
I want civility and professionalism in local government and have
worked hard to ensure that our government is responsive and
respectful of all Malibu residents. If re-elected, I will continue to act
independently, offer innovative solutions to complex problems, and
do my best to make Malibu better for everyone.
During the last four years, by working together, we accomplished
many things. WE:
Public Safety
- Defeated two proposed LNG facilities.
- Denied more overnight
camping/campfires in Malibu.
- Increased emergency supplies
throughout the entire City of Malibu.
Open Space and the Environment
- Purchased Legacy Park and raised money to purchase the park,
not through taxes, but through generous donations and bonds.
- Built a storm-water treatment facility at Cross Creek.
- Reduced the
availability of take-out styrofoam and made our beaches smoke-free.
Traffic and PCH Greening
- Worked with Cal Trans to insure traffic lanes remained open
during PCH construction.
- Installed new lights at Zumirez.
- Worked with the Malibu Green Machine to create plans to green
our medians.
Arts, Culture, Education and Recreation
- Purchased Bluff’s Park and increased recreational and educational
programs and events for seniors, children and adults.
- Discovered
we were overpaying for Library services and completed a Library
Needs Assessment.
- Installed murals at Bluffs Park and Cross
- Created Malibu’s original outdoor movie series at Bluff’s
Park and Malipalooza to celebrate local artists and promote events
for youth and the environment.
Fiscal Responsibility
- Increased the City’s reserve accounts from $9 million in 2004 to
$11 million.
We still have miles to go. We must improve emergency response and
communications, implement strategies to reduce traffic, promote
schools that are responsive to Malibu needs, protect our environment
and preserve the Malibu “way of life”. With your vote, we can help
keep Malibu moving forward for future generations.
Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please