Shall Substitute Senate Bill No. 16, be approved?
(Please vote "Yes" if you are in favor of the bill. Please vote "No" if you are not in favor of the bill. The bill is
explained below.)
Substitute Senate Bill No. 16 would make certain changes to state law that regulates the operation
of sexually oriented businesses and adult entertainment establishments. These changes include:
Requiring the State of Ohio to compensate local governments (townships, cities and villages) who
enforce local laws regulating adult entertainment establishments when those local laws have been
adopted with the guidance of the Ohio Attorney General and when those laws are found
unconstitutional or invalid by a court, with certain exceptions for payment of such compensation,
Preempting local laws that are found by a court to be in conflict with the proposed state law
regulating adult entertainment establishments,
Prohibiting sexually oriented businesses from being open for business between midnight and 6
a.m., except that sexually oriented businesses with a liquor permit may remain open until the hours
specified in the permit if they do not conduct, offer, or allow, sexually oriented entertainment
activity in which the performers appear nude,
Prohibiting customers and employees of sexually oriented businesses who are not immediate
family members from touching each other while on the premises of that business and while the
employee is nude or seminude, and
Creating misdemeanor criminal offenses relating to hours of operation and for customers and
employees who violate the no touch provisions of the law, setting the penalty at a fourth degree
misdemeanor, except when the touching is in specified anatomical areas, in which case, the penalty
is a first degree misdemeanor.
If Substitute Senate Bill No. 16 is approved, it shall become law.
YES (To approve the law)