Conservation won't solve District problems, it's just the right thing to do.
It's hard to add to that, but for the average person, there are better ways to communicate. For one, CD's and DVD's provide a better way than a piece of junk-mail. The community clean-up weeks have been a huge success. Why not a re-calibrate your sprinklers week, match your wash size to the size of the load week. Something where we can each make little changes that will add up over time. I'm sure the papers and cable would help with publicity, also community groups could piggy-back their message on the tip-of-the-month. For example, The AARP Tax-Aide program is looking for volunteers. If you have 4 hours a week to spare, if you want to help people, if you liked story problems in school, or not. If you just want to know more about taxes, we provide IRS approved training, and we'll have laptops this year. Call me. Seriously.