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San Diego County, CA November 7, 2006 Election
Smart Voter

Elect a PROVEN leader

By Lorenzo Provencio

Candidate for Board Member; Sweetwater Union High School District; Seat 1

This information is provided by the candidate
Dear Friend,

Today Public Education is faced with many issues that require experienced leadership personally involved with the people most affected - our young people. That's why I am running for election to seat # 1 on the Sweetwater Union High School District Board.

While on the School Board 1990 - 1994 and 1996 + 2000 we saw many positive changes in the Sweetwater District. The drop out rate dropped significantly as a result of the district resources directed toward academic and co-curricular activities. I took a lead in increasing open communication between all districts in the South Bay as well as our employees. Despite limited state funding, that board's record of fiscal stability and accountability cut overhead spending while not affecting the education of our students. My voluntary community service since 1957 as Little League and Pony League coach, Boy Scouts, YMCA, Jaycees past president Chula Vista & Imperial Beach, Kiwanis past president & past Lt. Governor, president of the Boys and Girls Club of Imperial Beach serves as an example for young people, teaching our students the value of giving back to their community in order to make this a better world.

I believe the district is headed in the right direction, however there is much work to be done! While improvements have been made, we still need to raise the expectations for our young people and implement programs that will make a difference for the students that will lead us into the 21st century.

My experience in the past (13 years on the South Bay School District Board and 8 years on the Sweetwater Board) as well as my background of teaching 40 years in the public schools in Chula Vista and developing programs for the youth of our communities will continue to be valuable resource in improving our schools.


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