Under the current Board's leadership, Temecula Valley Unified School District has achieved the highest API/AYP scores in the Inland Empire. 90% of our sophomores pass the High School Exit Exam on their first attempt. We have built beautiful new schools and upgraded facilities at a furious pace to successfully stay ahead of explosive growth and to prevent overcrowding. Of the hundreds of teacher applications received every year, we hire only the best and most experienced. We have worked closely with the City of Temecula on many joint projects and as a partner in the joint Drug/Gang Taskforce. Families buy homes in Temecula because it is a very well run city with great schools. We successfully settled employee negotiations this year with a 10% raise plus a benefit cap increase that will largely eliminate employee medical payroll deductions. At the same time, we have for five years steadfastly accomplished the number one responsibility of any School Board: maintaining the district's financial solvency. Finally, the Board has hired a dynamic and extremely capable new Superintendent - well received by parents and employees alike - to lead our district to even greater heights. Your current governing team has done well and should be returned to office to keep this great district going. Please re-elect Kenneth Ray.