- The "Quality of Life Standards" -key to managing Hemet's growth
To make sure that our quality of life is preserved, my vision is to establish and adopt a Quality-of-life standards that will help Hemet monitor the capacities of roads, hospital, schools, storm drainage, air quality, police, and fire. In short, before we build further we make sure that the infrastructures and services we have in Hemet today are sufficient enough to accommodate the next wave of growth tomorrow.
- Slow down on housing growth, Fast track on commercial and industrial development for jobs
My vision for a new Hemet is one that focuses on a stronger economic development program that can bring sectors and industries suitable to Hemet's location and at the same time provide a meaningful pay beyond what the retail and services sectors provide.
- Seniors Total Quality of Life is beyond Senior Housing
I learned from my parents that senior total quality of life is beyond having a paid home or living within a senior community. Rather, living as a senior is about the total quality of life. Seniors total quality of life includes concerns like affordable housing, acute health care, long-term care, income support, transportation and mobility, safety, health promotion, hearing seniors' voices, access to information, recreation and cultural issues.