- Occupation: Golden Gate Bridge Board Director
- Anchorwoman-reporter for CBS-affiliate KGWN-TV
- Manager of Public Relations for Mervyn's Department Stores
- Mayor Newsom's Policy Council for Children, Youth
- Asian Art Museum, Boardmember
- Active in Shanti, Sacred Heart School in the Western Addition, and Catholic Charities
- University of California B.A., Masters degree in Journalism from Medill at Northwestern University
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Heal Our Broken Health Care System with Single Payer Health Care.
- Protect Our Environment.
- Bring Excellence and Access Back to Public Schools, Colleges and Universities.
- Sierra Club
- Assemblyman Leland Yee
- SEIU United Healthcare Workers
- Janet Reilly's Health Care Plan To Cover Every Californian
Our health care system is on life support. There are nearly 7 million Californians who are uninsured; and all of us are struggling with the rising costs of insurance premiums and co-pays. That's why I have put forward a detailed universal health care plan that covers every single Californian, eliminates the insurance company middleman and puts that money directly into health care services, and still lowers the cost of prescription drugs.
- Janet Reilly's Environmental Plan: Greening the Golden State
Too many politicians tell you they care about the environment, but they don't offer real solutions to our critical environmental challenges. That's why I put forward a comprehensive plan to protect our environment. In my plan I lay out my ideas on global warming, air pollution, toxins in our environment, energy independence, open space protection, protecting the Pacific, and resource conservation.
- Janet Reilly's Plan for a First-Class Education for All Californians
Creating great schools takes more than slogans. It takes a real plan and the leadership to see it through. That's why I have proposed a detailed education plan that is built on proven successes: great teachers in every school; universal preschool high standards and early intervention; and a chance for every child to go to college.