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Todd "Todd Chretien" Chretien
12,821 votes
- Occupation: Writer
- B.A. San Francisco State University, 2003
- Author of Proposition I, College Not Combat referendum, won 59% on November 05 San Francisco ballot
- Nader/LaDuke 2000 and Nader/Camejo 2004 California campaign worker
- Organizer for May 1st Immigrants Rights "Great American Boycott 2006" protests
- Co-Founder of Save Stan Tookie Williams Coalition and longtime member of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty
- Married to Jessie Muldoon, Oakland public school teacher, and father of three-year-old daughter, Isabela
- Bring the Troops Home Now from Iraq: Over 100,000 Iraqis and over 2300 Americans have died in this senseless war. End it now.
- Amnesty for Immigrant Workers: Immigrants built this country in years past and they deserve full equality today.
- Tax the Rich: To rebuild our public schools, institute single-payer health care and make UC, CSU and CC eduation free for all California students.
Tian Harter
10,312 votes
- Occupation: Community Volunteer
- Green Party activist from the time I left AOL to the present.
- Worked as a software engineer in test equipment and information distribution for most of the 1990s
- Worked as an electronic design engineer in videogame and test equipment markets for most of the 1980s
- MSEE, 1983 Bradley University (Peoria, IL)
- BSEE, 1981 Bradley University (Peoria, IL)
- To make our political system more sustainable. We need more money for bike lanes, transit, and solar power. We need less money in the military budget.
- To draw connections between good citizenship in daily life and doing political acts. We need to stop voting for oil companies at the gas pump.
- To make public my objections to the direction our country is going. Impeach Bush. Bring the troops home from Iraq.
Kent P. Mesplay
4,648 votes
- Occupation: Inspector, A.P.C.D.
- Presidential Candidate, Green Party, 2004 Primaries
- Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1993
- Nader Delegate, Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1996
- Appointed Treasurer, San Diego Green Party County Council, 1996
- Founding Member, San Diego Citizens Action, 1996
- Page, 1984 Olympic Games, Los Angeles
- Promote State Renewable Energy Independence for its security implications
- Help reform politics: We need publicly funded campaigns and open debates
- Improve relations with Mexico by addressing the root causes of immigration
Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Official Information
U.S. Senate
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Project Vote-Smart
- About the Candidates
- Browse the page to find the link for US Senate. Then find Biography, Campaign Finances, Issue Positions (NPAT), Special Interest Groups, and Voting Record for each candidate as available.
News and Analysis
Orange County Register
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Election Archives
- See the candidates, issues, and results from previous elections this seat:
11/7/00, 3/7/00
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