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Bill Leonard
353,710 votes
- Occupation: Member, Board of Equalization - District 2
- Served as Assembly Republican Leader
- Served as Senate Republican Caucus Chair
- Government to hold taxpayers innocent until proven guilty.
- At a minimum, taxpayers must be guaranteed the basic protection of guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt!"
- Hold tax collectors accountable.
Ed Streichman
170,154 votes
- Occupation: State Board Auditor
- More than 21 years of experience at the State Board of Equalization.
- More than 14 years of experience as a senior tax auditor with the State Board of Equalization.
- Full-time tax consultant for more than three years at the State Board of Equalization.
- Multi "Whistleblower" with the Bureau of State Audits to keep State government honest.
- Double Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Business Administration and in Economics.
- Integrity is important and that is why I have not solicited or accepted campaign contributions from anyone.
- Create policies at the State Board of Equalization which encourage agency employees to tell the truth and that it is important to do the right thing.
- Improve and enhance taxpayer and customer services that provide greater benefits to the taxpayers that the State Board of Equalization serves.
- Reform outdated Board policies and procedures, which streamline the Board's field and headquarter operations and make them more efficient.
Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Job Description
Board of Equalization
- Serves on the Board of Equalization, California’s elected tax
commission, a body that:
- Oversees the administration of over two dozen tax and fee
programs including sales and use, cigarette and tobacco,
alcohol and fuels tax.
- Serves as the appellate body for California income and
franchise tax cases.
- Oversees the administration of property tax statewide.
Official Information
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