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Tim Raboy
284,857 votes
- Occupation: Supervising Investigator, Board of Equalization
- Criminal Investigator for the Board of Equalization for 6 years.
- Currently an Elected Council Member for the City of Galt.
- POST Certified Speciality in Financial Crimes Investigations from the Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation.
- Granted Limited Peace Officer Status for the Board of Equalization Investigations Division.
- More than 14 years of experience working at the Board of Equalization.
- Bachelor of Science Degree with a speciality in Marketing.
- Streamline the agency departments at the Board of Equalization to improve agency operations and increase efficiency.
- Enhance revenue collections at the Board of Equalization. Billions of dollars in taxes goes uncollected due to tax evasion.
- Enhance customer service for the citizens that live in BOE District 2 and have an open door policy between myself and the taxpayers of this State.
Tom Bright
140,897 votes
- Occupation: Printing Executive
- 11 years commercial printer
- 17 years fleet transportation supervisor and dispatcher
- Democratic Central Committee 1993-94
- President, Sacramento Printers Association 2003-04
- Board of Directors, Sacramento Taxpayers League 1995-98
- Weekend farmer 1988-present
- Fair implementation of tax law
- Face-to-face local representation
- Listen and act on Department staff's knowledge of information flow
Basic candidate data supplied by the Secretary of State.
All candidates have been invited to supply additional information to Smart Voter.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
Job Description
Board of Equalization
- Serves on the Board of Equalization, California’s elected tax
commission, a body that:
- Oversees the administration of over two dozen tax and fee
programs including sales and use, cigarette and tobacco,
alcohol and fuels tax.
- Serves as the appellate body for California income and
franchise tax cases.
- Oversees the administration of property tax statewide.
Official Information
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