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San Mateo County, CA June 6, 2006 Election
Smart Voter Full Biography for Rick Bonilla

Candidate for
Democratic Party County Central Committee; County of San Mateo; Supervisorial District 2

This information is provided by the candidate

Dear Democratic Voters,

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is RICK BONILLA and I am running for the 2nd Supervisorial District seat on the San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee. I first moved to San Mateo in 1975 and I have been a member of Carpenters Union Local 217 in Foster City since 1977. Currently, I am employed as a Field Representative by the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council. I have been very active in local government and in March of this year, I was appointed to the Public Works Commission by the San Mateo City Council. In 1992, I became aware of the importance of political activism and have volunteered in every election since then.

I have been endorsed by San Mateo City Council members Jan Epstein, Carole Groom, Jack Matthews & former City Council member Sue Lempert, San Mateo County District 2 Supervisor Jerry Hill, Carpenters Local 217, San Mateo County Central Labor Council AFL-CIO and the San Mateo County Building and Construction Trades Council.

If elected, I will continue to take a stand and voice my concerns on issues that matter to all of us; whether protecting health benefits or the opportunity to retire with dignity. As a Union Representative, I do just that for working people everyday. I feel that the Democratic Party must defeat Schwarzenegger in California. The Democratic Party has lost ground in the rest of the country and we need to stop the trend NOW!

We can't count on the President's misfortune, miscalculations and bad luck to turn this country around.

I believe that we, the Democrats of California, need to take the lead and raise the standard for our fellow Democrats across the country. We can start by taking back the Governor's office and not stop until we have the White House and Congress. The current Republican regime has taken this country backward--we cannot afford to wait! It is my strongly held conviction that if we organize today, we can experience brighter tomorrows, where everyone can live in peace with health, happiness and abundance.

We can start to reach these goals by voting for RICK BONILLA on June 6, 2006.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 25, 2006 14:04
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