With continued overdevelopment of housing from where will the water come and the sewage go?
Like us, are you disturbed we are losing control of our quality of life?
- We are overdrawing our water supplies. Water in the desert is a precious commodity we cannot afford to squander through poor planning and not recognizing the limitations of our desert community.
We cannot continue to count on resources from outside our own community. If we had a true emergency we could be without water resources.
Did you know the Lahouton Regional Water District Board discussed not allowing any further sewage connections until the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster cleaned up their groundwater contamination, telling them to stop overdrawing their aquifers?
- We cannot afford to continue watering our lawns, filling swimming pools and wasting our water resources as we have in the past. We must start using true conservation landscaping methods.
We are experiencing urban sprawl and losing our open spaces promised us in the general plan. When we look around us we see only roofs. The street lights now drown out the light from the stars.
- It is time to stop the sprawl and fulfill the promises made to us about hiking trails for nature walks and bike paths in each neighborhood.
- I will urge we find planning commissioners, and staff that will work to carry out a slower growth program. We need people able to see the full picture when plans are brought before them and evaluating them honestly.
Are you aware the Sanitation District uses land spreading, an outmoded way of handling raw sewage?
- In order to continue wih the old technology they must continue to take property from ranchers, businesses and homeowners properties through eminent domain. They are already forcing people off their land for a 15 square mile land spreading idea in Lancaster and there are similar plans for Palmdale.
- The solution is recycling our resources using the best technology available. That does not mean tertiary treatment of sewage. That means reverse osmosis and continually upgrading our systems as the technology becomes available.
- By building a plant with new technology only 40 acres would be needed for water reclamation, not 15 square miles, and treatment to make the water pristine.
Are you worried about the possible loss of 10,000 jobs at Air Force Plant 42 because of the Sanitation districts plans? The Sanitation Districts
plans to "solve" our sewage treatment problems are opposed by the Air Force because of the attraction of birds and the bird strike hazard
to the Air Force Plant 42's 15 mile approach corridor.
- I propose a different solution which will speed up the process, rid us of land spreading and contamination of our ground water while making our water pristine by using reverse osmosis.
Did you know the mayors and city council members sit on sanitation districts 14 & 20? The sitting Mayors of both Lancaster and Palmdale have known for years about our water, so have the city council members. They continued their current growth patterns without expanding the proper infrastructure. Now we are facing a $200,000,000+ clean-up bill while raising the cost of sewage treatment by $230 per year on our property tax bill, according to Sanitation District representatives, thus causing a greater burden to the residents that have lived here the longest.
- Again I propose a different and less expensive solution. If you pump down good water and then pump out the nitrogen plume it will speed up the process and make the ground water pristine through the use of reverse osmosis, making our recalimed water pristine.