Continue the progress!
I am running for re-election to ensure the progress we have achieved over the last few years continues. Since 1997 we have been committed to the principles and practices of Participatory Governance, and have made progress in better District-Union relations with the initiation of Interest Based Bargaining. Both of which I have strongly supported and promoted. We have improved the Lancaster campus with new buildings and facilities, hired more full time faculty and increased student enrollment markedly. We finally have a stable presence in Palmdale with our temporary site on Palmdale Boulevard, which will eventually host 500+ full time students. Through the tough State budget times of the last 3-4 years we maintained fiscal integrity and due to our strong financial planning and management we did not have to lay anyone off...something that many community colleges cannot say. We have in place a Master Facilities Plan, which is the guide map for our future building plans utilizing Bond funds, local redevelopment money, State funds, and other funding sources. We have a stable, productive and creative board and I would like to see it stay that way as we finally turn the corner and begin to reap the benefits of the successful Bond Measure, our financial stability, and increased enrollment.