We can preserve our community without stepping on anyone's toes
I am firm in my belief that what you have earned, saved and sacrificed to own is yours to use as you see fit -- provided you do not injure others, in which case you have a liability to those you harm. Your property belongs to you as surely as your life itself. Neither I or the planners can tell you what to do with what is yours. No amount of careful planning can look into the future accurately. Before a project is off the drawing board, something has changed. Change occurs as surely as the sun rises. We must embrace and welcome changes as individuals and as a community. I believe the first step to preserving our community is not to sucumb to myth. Grow or die, bigger is better, growth for increased revenues does bring the sprawl so many dread. Mixed use, higher density, multiple shopping locations and infill will sustain our community. We should avoid annexing land. The best way to develop new areas is to let developers plan self contained communities so the residents of those new communites can decide what kind of rules and/or restrictions they want. The more small, interactive communities we have the better.