This information is provided by the candidate
- Growth and Development
Good land use planning is a permanent part of the county's
political makeup and economic vitality. County government must
give due regard to protecting the environment and the property
values of people who live here. There is an acute need for housing
within the economic reach of our teachers, police officers, nurses,
young doctors and others who want to buy into the American
dream based on their hard work and savings. We have to
recognize that tourism is a major part of our local economy and
make sure we approve appropriate visitor-serving facilities that
accentuate - and not deteriorate - the natural beauty that is at the
heart of why people visit us here.
- Affordable Housing
We need to provide housing for the local workforce, seniors, and families withough creating urban sprawl. I will use smart planning principles like incentives, density bonuses and support green development. I have worked hard on these issues and will make them a priority when managing growth to meet our needs.
- Fiscal Discipline
My most immediate concern is the county's
budget for vital services that we know are threatened by the state's
chronic fiscal irresponsibility. Now more than ever, county
government must focus on fiscal discipline in order to maintain
vital health care services, mental health services, law enforcement,
fire protection, coastal protection, natural resource protection and
economic opportunity. All of these areas of county government are
gravely threatened because the state is hijacking our local
revenues and leaving us with a host of unfunded mandates. It will
take a steady, experienced hand to trim our costs without cutting
services we all have come to expect.
As part of this budgetary discipline, the Board of Supervisors
needs to conduct a thorough review of the large financial payouts
from the county's General Fund that have resulted from lawsuits
against our Sheriff's Department. While the county has insurance
to cover much of the cost of these payouts, we need to root out the
trouble spots and see if anything can be done to prevent such
liability in the future.
- Health and Safety
Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our
residents. This is the most basic function of county government.
Access to health care is becoming more difficult, law enforcement
is under increasing threat of budget cuts, and maintaining
adequate fire protection services is getting more difficult by the
day. It is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors to find
solutions to these problems. It's not acceptable for the board to
merely say it's the state's fault. If school districts can maintain
excellence under financial distress, our county government must
do the same. Anything less is irresponsible when it comes to our
health and safety.
Under this heading, we need to maintain constant vigilance for
the health and safety of county residents from any possible safety
issues that may arise at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.
While PG&E is a very important part of our local economy, it must
be held accountable for our safety and for the environmental
impact it creates. After the 6.5 magnitude earthquake of last
December, county government should never be lulled into a false
sense of security when it comes to the health and safety of its
residents. It is not "extreme" or "emotional" to demand safety
accountability. It is common sense.