I will work as a Board member on the following essential elements of high quality public education that can help to close the achievement gap and ensure that our schools are serving all of our students effectively:
District-Level Imperatives
- Support for teaching and learning at the school sites
- Support for teachers as the primary determiners of student learning
- Support for principals as leaders of learning at our schools
- Wise use of resources to support student learning
- Effective personnel practices to hire and support excellent staff
- Building and maintaining strong community support for excellence in education
- Effective teamwork within the Board and central administration, constantly keeping the primary focus on student learning
School-Level Imperatives
- Effective leadership for learning by school principals
- Directed teaching focusing on the California student learning standards in core subject areas
- Student involvement and development through extra-curricular activities
- Comprehensive parent involvement, support and education
- Decision-making based on student learning needs
- Engagement of all school staff in the teaching-learning process
- Involvement of community members in the educational process
Community Imperatives
- Support for excellent teaching and learning for all students
- Active involvement at the school site level
- Support for district and school-based initiatives to increase student learning and close the achievement gap
- Investing the time it takes to make all of our schools work for all the students
Quality education is a job that takes all of our efforts and energy, and it is the best investment of our time and resources that we will ever make.