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Orange County, CA | November 2, 2004 Election |
Improving Facilities Directly Effects Student PerformanceBy Susan HenryCandidate for Board Member; Huntington Beach Union High School District | |
This information is provided by the candidate |
The implementation of Measure C funds will provide an enhanced learning environment.Studies show that students who attend well maintained, clean and safe schools perform better academically. Measure C, a $238 million bond program, was approved by the voters of this district in March 2004. These funds will allow the district to address the needs identified by the district's Facilities Master Plan. Over the next five years all 6 comprehensive high school sites will see renovation and repair. Three high schools will have new buildings and our Adult Education program will have a new home. This project is one of the most important issues facing the district and the governing board. As a co-chair of the "Yes on C" campaign I am concerned that the efforts to implement this important project not be derailed. The board will ensure fiscal accountability and provide diligent oversight. The construction management firm, the architects, the contractors and sub-contractors must work cooperatively, efficiently and effectively. The Citizens Oversight Committee has been tasked with providing an independent review of the projects at hand. These projects will directly effect our students of today and tomorrow and they deserve the best classroom experience we can provide. |
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